2:15 More Then You Know

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Warning: panic attack, mention of abuse, scars, past injuries, slight transformation, mentions of anger issues and trauma, mentions of a car crash, mentions of dead people

"Hey," Mason said. "I have news."

Vic paused, her fork halfway to her mouth. It was lunch and even though it was just the two of them, they had their own spot to themselves. She finished the trip and said, "What kind of news?"

"Don't eat with your mouth open," Mason told her.

Just to mess with him, she opened it wide, showing off her orange Jello. She smiled at the sight of his disgusted face before she swallowed. "What's the news?"

"You remember Liam?" Mason asked.

"Cocky snotty prep school kid, sure."

"He's transferring to Beacon Hills."

Vic froze mid-bite. She blinked at Mason before she lowered her burger. She swallowed the meat before she spoke. "Why's he transferring?"

"He had a few problems at his old school, decided to come here instead," Mason told her.

Even if she wasn't a supernatural, Vic would've been able to tell he was hiding something. "Anything I should know?" she asked.

Mason looked around, made sure no one was listening. He leaned forward and motioned for Vic to do so as well. "He's got a few anger issues," Mason told her. "He got in trouble with the coach. Now he's coming here."

Vic nodded and leaned back. "When's he coming?"

"Monday," Mason said. It was Thursday in mid-February. "I figured you should know."

Vic nodded and took another bite of her sandwich. "Thanks for telling me."

"What did I say?" Mason asked, motioning to her mouth.

Vic rolled her eyes and swallowed. "Sorry, Mom."


Liam was nervous. She smelled his anxiety from the parking lot (Scott had taught her about chemosignals). She walked over to her usual meeting place with Mason to see Liam was there as well. She walked over with a relaxed smile.

"Hey," she greeted. "You ready for your first day, Dunbar?"

"Not really," the boy admitted, watching the other students as they walked.

"You'll be fine," Vic assured. "It's just one day."

"One day with pointing, whispering and staring," Liam countered.

"Exactly, so after the day is over, you'll be another kid in the school," Vic said. They opened the doors and started walking to Vic's locker. Mason's was closer to their first class. "So, relax, and take it one class at a time."

"Just make it through the day," Mason told him. They stopped at Vic's locker as she exchanged her books.

Liam nodded. "Thanks guys, really." He looked inside Vic's locker and his eyes went wide. "You have a sword in your locker?" he whispered harshly.

"Yup," she confirmed.

"Why?" Liam asked. He looked at Mason, but the boy didn't even seem fased.

"After all the shit that's happened at this school, I'd prefer to have an insurance policy," she said, closing her locker.

"Does a lot of things happen here?" he asked.

Vic felt a smile grow on her face. "More then you know. Now come on, we've got first period together."

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