3:2 So, What Happened?

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Warnings: Gum on pants, mentions of trauma, mentions of dead people. Not much this chapter actually.

She licked the sugar off her fingers as she followed her dad and brother as they walked through the station. The smell of the place had remained unchanged. Old paper, wood and bad coffee. She still loved it.

She tuned back into her brother's ramblings as they walked into her dad's office. "-I know his family left town around the time Theo was nine or ten. His sister died in an accident when he was eight," Stiles concluded.

"Please, just go to school," Noah begged, his usual coffee thermos in his hand.

"Dad, this kid's a werewolf," Stiles emphasized.

"Excuse me?" Vic said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your best friend's a werewolf," Noah said in a hushed but angry voice. "You're dating a werecoyote. Your sister can turn into a six foot tall bear. I still don't know what Kira's supposed to be."

"Japanese fox spirit, just different from the other Japanese fox spirit," Vic said. "And, it's also seven feet now. I grew and so did my other part."

"Look, when the flying monkeys come flying into the station, you will have my undivided attention," her dad continued. "Until then? Just go to school."

Stiles squinted at the man and looked him up and down. "What did you do?" Stiles asked.

"What?" Noah asked. He looked at Vic for help, but she just shrugged, confused as well. "What do you mean, 'What did I do?'"

"There's something different about you," Stiles elaborated.

"What are you talking about?" Noah asked.

"What is it? What's different?" Stiles asked. He stepped forward till he was a few inches from his dad and sniffed him. Vic covered her mouth so her laughter wouldn't escape.

Noah pushed him away, somehow without spilling his coffee. "For the love of God, Stiles, just go to school," he said, annoyed and frustrated.

"I will if you promise to do a full background check on the Raekens," Stiles negotiated.

Noah looked at his daughter, who was completely amused by the whole situation. "You believe this?" he asked.

Vic pursed her lips. "It's fifty fifty right now," she admitted.

"So why are you here?" Noah asked.

"Two reasons, really," she said. "One, he's my ride."

Noah raised his eyebrows. "And two?" She pulled a wrapper that was formed into a ball out of her pocket and tossed it to him. He unwrapped it and sighed at the logo on the front. "He bribed you with donuts?"

Vic nodded. "Yeah."

He looked back at Stiles with a disappointed look. "Really? Bribing your sister?"

"I was giving her breakfast," Stiles protested. "It just so happened to be donuts. It won't happen again if you do a background check on Theo."

"No," the sheriff denied. "You know what, just because I'm the only law enforcement officer that knows anything about this does not make it my responsibility to do something everytime you have a minor suspicion!"

Vic sighed and moved out of the doorway, knowing what was coming next.

"Except you're not the only one," Stiles pointed out. He moved as well so their dad would have a clear view of Jordan Parrish doing work at his desk.

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