3:8 I Need Hot Chocolate For This Mess

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Warnings: dead body (singular), mentions of dead people, mentions of drinking, mentions of drugs, the friendzone, nothing too big, I wanted a break from Season Five so here you go

Vic didn't like the ride to the animal clinc. Lydia took Malia home so Vic and Stiles had to ride in Theo's truck to the vet's office while Scott drive his dirtbike. The backseat reminded her too much of Luke's old truck where she learned to drive. She was tracing her necklace through the entire trip. She could feel Stiles's eyes on her through the trip. 

It didn't help. 

Stiles pulled the sheet on the body back as they all stood in the operating room. She watched as Scott's eyes softened at the sight of the dark haired boy on the table. For a heartbeat, she thought it was Donovan, her hand going to her knife. But then she realised it couldn't be. This boy was too young, sixteen at most while Donovan had been nearly nineteen. 

She made herself take a breath to calm down. 

"Do you know him?" Theo asked. 

"Knew," Vic corrected. 

"His name was Josh," Scott said. "He was a Junior." 

Vic examined the boy in the table. His teeth were sharp, like a shark's. She didn't know what kind of creature he was supposed to be. Blood ran from his mouth to his ears. Then more around his throat. Vic narrowed her eyes. It looked like something stabbed Josh in the neck. Multiple somethings if the bloodloss was anything to go by. 

Stiles covered up Josh again as Scott started to pace. 

"Which one did it?" Scott asked. "The one with the cane?" 

Stiles and Theo shared a look. Vic narrowed her eyes. They were hiding something from Scott. They couldn't be working together. Stiles didn't trust Theo. She knew that. So why...

Theo knows about Donovan, she realised. 

"Yeah," Theo said. 

"What are we going to do with him?" Stiles asked. "We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared." 

At the mention of the girl's name, Vic's hand moved to her pocket. Her thumb ran over the veins of the leaf necklace. She didn't know why she took it. Just that she couldn't leave it there. 

"Alright, someone's got to stay here with him," Stiles said. 

"What if whoever's taking the bodies are dangerous?" Vic asked. "We don't know what they might be capable of." 

"I'll do it," Theo said. "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned. Plus if someone attacks me, I can fight back." He flashed his eyes at her. "Werewolf, remember?" 

"Never forgot," she said. 

Scott's phone went off. He pulled it out. 

"What is it?" Stiles asked. 

"Another one," Scott answered. "Another chimera." 

"Theo, we're taking your truck," Vic said. 

"You don't have the keys," he protested as she walked past him. 

"I know how to hotwire a vehicle," she called. 

"Vic," Scott called, walking after her. Stiles left a second later, rubbing his shoulder. 


They didn't need to take Theo's truck. It was just to Scott's house which wasn't too far. So Vic ran while the two boys rode on Scott's dirtbike. She could tell Stiles was as uncomfortable with being on the back as she was. 

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