3:12 I Don't Like Being Vulnerable

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Warnings: violence, knives, angst (it's season five, come on), I'm so bad at writing fight scenes, I'm sorry

Come on, one more time. She took a breath and opened her eyes. The colour that stared back at her was crystal blue. The same colour her dad had. She didn't want blue. She wanted brown-orange. The colour of stained wood. The colour of wet bark. The colour of nature.

Her colour.

She pulled on the rope. Pulled on her link to the supernatural. It was harder to get it up. Harder to get anything.

But something came. Something happened. It wasn't completely gone. It was something.

The rings appeared around her irises. They were darker then her usual colour. Almost the same colour as her brother's. But they weren't. They were still hers.

She walked out of the bathroom and stopped by her brother's room. He sat on his bed. He pulled on a t-shirt and winced. He rubbed his shoulder as he stared at his crime board.

She knocked on his door, breaking him from his trance. "Hey," she said. "You ready?"

He nodded. "Yeah, you?"

She nodded. She had her two knives on her hips, hidden by her long jacket. Luke and Zach. It was more for her than anything else. The two walked out to the Jeep. It was her first day back at school since that day. Her headache had diminished but it was still very noticable.

She hadn't told anyone about what the Dread Doctors did. She didn't want to speak to anyone after she found out. She hadn't even wanted to draw, that's how depressed she was.

She didn't meet Liam and Mason at the sign. She just, she knew that if she saw them, she'd tell them. And she didn't wanna say it. Didn't want to. Didn't want it to be real. Because that would've made it come all back. Made her collapse. She couldn't let her walls down again. It was just something she couldn't do.


Her head shot up when she heard the sirens. She ran out of the room. Sher heard the teacher yell after her. She didn't care.

She followed the sirens to the bus terminals. Mason was running alongside a stretcher. His shirt was stained with black blood in the shape of handprints. Silver speckles dotted his neck and face. Mercury.

On the stretcher was Corey. He was covered with more mercury that came from his nose and mouth. He was unconscious.

Vic ran over to her friend. "You okay?" she asked him?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but Vic-"

"I know," she told him. The paramedics brought Corey's stretcher to the back of the ambulance. "I know."

Scott and Theo ran out of the school and over to the two. "H-He just started bleeding everywhere. I don't..."

Vic took his hand, squeezed it.

Corey suddenly woke up. He jerked as the paramedics tried to hold him down. "Don't let them do it!" he yelled. "Don't let them kill me!"

Mason looked down at his hands, his breath picking up. "Hey, hey, Fílos, look at me." She held his face. "Look at me. Deep breaths, okay? Do you have a spare shirt?"

He nodded. "Yeah, yeah, in my locker."

"Okay, let's go get you cleaned up." She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and brought him to his locker. He did the combination with shaky hands and shaky breaths. He got it open, then started doing it again.

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