1:6 I Wanna Be In A Place I Know

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Warning: Bruises, mentions of abuse, dead bodies, hospitals, injuries. Major amounts of cheesieness. You'll know when to get the crackers. 

His next visit was two days later. He had had a bit of a distraction. The day before he had detention (Mr Harris was out to get him), then after his father caught him and Scott at Kate Argent's funeral. It was a closed ceremony but the two snuck in. Scott's reason was to give Allison some moral support. Stiles's reason was to check out the new family members that came to town. Allison's family were werewolf hunters, and if the old grandpa was anything like Kate then all of Beacon Hills was in trouble. 

But on the plus side, they found Lydia. She had snuck out of her hospital room and ran away from the hospital. Naked. As in no clothes. At all. She had stepped onto the road near a crashed ambulance where Stiles was and he fainted. Very smooth, right?

He knocked on his sister's door and heard a "Yep." He took the invitation and stepped in. What he saw made his eyes widen and his body freeze. 

"Woah, woah, woah, what're you doing?" he asked. He quickly rushed over to her side, held her arm from where she was crouched next to a chair. All of the machines that were hooked up to her were now loose and leaking fluids onto the floor. 

"Trying to find my necklace," she explained. "I don't remember taking it off and I can't find it." 

Stiles guided her to the bed. "Well just sit down-" 

"I can walk, Stiles, I'm not made of glass," she retorted. "Now will you just help me?" 

"Well, I actually have something for you." He reached into his poodie pocket and drew out the twisted wire. His dad had given it to him when he learned he was going to visit her. The sheriff himself had a shift at the station. 

Vic let out a breath of relief. "Thank god." 

He sat on the bed next to her and moved her hair out of the way. He picked at the little clasp, forced it open and huffed when the thing closed on its own. 

"You need some help there, Mischief?" she asked. 

"Shut up," he muttered. Why did they make necklaces like this? Seriously, it should not be nearly this hard. Like why did- hang on, almost.... Ha ha yes! Victory!

"Finally," she teased. She let go of the charm and freed her hair from the cord. She turned around with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Did you bring any food? The stuff they got here is apparently nutritious but isn't filling me up much." 

He chuckled. He wasn't a stranger to hospital mush himself. "I got something," he told her. From his other pocket he produced a yogurt tube and a granola bar then pulled two cheese strings from his back pocket. "You're lucky I was able to get past security with this." 

She grabbed the small treats and hugged his waist. "Thank you, thank you, I love you," she said. 

Stiles wrapped his arms around her and held her for a second. "Love you too, Vic." 

Then she pulled back and opened the granola bar. "So how are things at school?" 

He groaned. "Terrible, I swear, my chemistry teacher Harris hates me." He began ranting, told her about Coach, Scott and Allison's secret relationship ("Why's it secret?" "Allison's family isn't too keen about Scott." "So they got a Romeo and Juliet thing going on?" "Oh you have no idea.") and Lydia and Jackson's relationship ("Lydia Martin?" "Yeah why?" "Name sounds familiar is all.") 

There was a knock at the door and the two looked up to see Melissa stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "So you smuggled her some food huh?" the woman asked Stiles. 

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