1:4 What Do You See?

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Warnings: Mentions of an "animal attack," yelling, what I imagine happens to people in comas

She didn't know what was happening. It was like she was floating out of her body. Like she was watching what was happening. She remembered going to the winter formal with Stiles, remembered leaving to go find Jackson, remembered the lights on the lacrosse field came on one by one. She remembered a man in a trench coat then a pain in her side.

The rest she just watched, like she was looking through a TV. She saw Jackson carry her to the school, the ambulance ride to the hospital. It all seemed unreal.

She watched at the paramedics brought her into a room and tried to clean her up best they could, deputies came in and asked her people if they knew what was going on.

But the thing that stopped her, froze her in shock was what was sitting next to the sherriff as he asked a few doctors questions.

After that, it was like time slowed down, the second she saw the creature seconds became hours. It all slowed down. She looked at it in shock, wondered how these people could just stand there withough noticing the giant grizzly bear that sat next to the sheriff.

As if it heard her thoughts, the bear turned its head to look at her. She was shocked at the shade of the creature's eyes. They were orange-brown, the colour of stained wood but it had a natural look to it, like the wood had been that colour all along.

The bear rose onto its four legs and walked over to her still frozen form. It stopped four feet away from her. The grizzly never made a sound when it walked across the floor.

It just blinked at her. It opened its mouth and she flinched like she was gonna bite her.

"Hello," the beast said.

Somehow, someway, she heard it and she understood it. She blinked. "Are you talking to me?" she asked.

"Well I'm not talking to the wall," the bear retorted. "What's your name?"

"Lydia Martin," she said.

The bear sat on its haunches, relaxed. "Well it's nice to meet you Lydia. I'm Vic. She/her pronouns."

Lydia gulped. "Am I hallucinating?"

Vic shrugged her giant shoulders. "If that makes you feel better. Depending on what you see." Vic narrowed her bright eyes. "What do you see?"

"I see a grizzly bear," Lydia answered. "Big, furry, six inch claws and long sharp teeth."

Vic seemed to think about it for a second. "Intresting." She stood up and turned around before she ventured into the crowd. She went through them, like a ghost in a movie. She turned her giant head to look at Lydia. "Are you coming?"

Lydia followed her, stepped around the people still moving slowly like they were all underwater. Vic stopped in front of a hospital room that had a wall of windows lined to the hallway. Lydia walked over to the grizzly that was sitting in front of the windows. She looked into the hospital room and saw who was lying in the hospital bed.

It was Lydia.

Or rather, Lydia's body. Her hair was down, she had on a hospital gown, and her face was free of makeup. She felt herself begin to tear up, although she didn't know why.

"Is that you?" Vic asked.

Lydia nodded. She didn't look away from her body. "Am I dead?"

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