Porky pig #2

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Requested by @PainterJuwel thanks for requesting! Hope you like it. Also, (f/p) stands for favourite planet.

It was just a typical lazy Sunday for Dodgers as he was fast asleep on his chair. Oh who am I kidding? It's a lazy week with Dodgers rather than just the weekend. He was dreaming peaceful dreams when he was rudely interrupted by the sounds of the screen in front of him switching on without any warning and waking him.

"Dodgers!" Came a cry from Dr I.Q. hi. "Dodgers! Are you sleeping on the job again?" He asked suspiciously .

 "Wha-?" The duck gave a cry as he fell off the seat and rubbed his side behind. "Of course not! I was just having my midday rest, you know how it is" He grinned.

 "No, I don't" The man frowned. "Anyways, back to the point. There had been a sudden interest from scientists on Earth about (f/p), now that we have discovered the life on there"

 " Yawn" Dodgers said sarcastically as he knew nothing about science...or most things really.

 "W-w-well y-yes, that w-w-w-was q-quite a discovery, w-wasn't it?" The cadet smiled eagerly in agreement.

 "Indeed, it was and now they want to do more research and want to know more about the people who live there so they want you to take a citizen back to study"

 " You mean as an experiment? " Dodgers asked, suddenly interested at the thought of them doing something like Frankenstein.

 "No, they want to ask questions, maybe run a few tests to find out what they're made of and so on. Harmless really. So you're up for it?"

"You betcha! Cadet, fire up the engines, we're on a mission!" Dodgers posed and stated heroically.

"R-right away, sir" He smiled willingly.

After about an hour, they arrived on (f/p) and looked around at the place. "Cool planet!" Dodgers grinned eagerly as he looked around.

"D-dodgers? Y-you d-didn't forget about the m-m-mi-ission, did you?" Cadet asked quietly.

"Of course not! Now who should we choose for this? Ah, she'll do nicely" He smiled as just grabbed a passerby in broad daylight and threw you into a cage in the spaceship and flew off.

"AAaagh!" You screamed in terror but he shut the door and was off before you knew it.

"D_D_DODGERS! W_WHAT ARE YOU D_D_D_DOING?" Cadet exclaimed in horror at his friend's unethical methods.

"What? I was asked to find a subject and i did! Whats the harm? It's no more dangerous than a doctor's appointment!" Dodgers argued in blissful ignorance.

"Y-y-you should've l-let someone v-v-volunteer! This is k-k-k-ki-i,dnapping!"

"No it isn't!" He cried out in frustration and took a sip of his soda. "Now let's get back to Earth, Cadet, go fetch me another soda" He said lazily as he threw the cup behind him.

Cadet was fuming and steam was practically coming out of his ears at what he had just witnessed. He had put up with his friend's incompetence for years but this was ridiculous. As he was fetching Dodgers soda, he caught a glimpse of you sitting in the cage, all alone and he felt compassion and so he approached you.

"H-h-h-hey there, M-m-miss, w-w-what's your name?" He asked with a friendly smile but you just stared back at him with wide eyes in fear. "I-i-it's ok, i w-won't hurt y-you" You didn't know whether to trust him after what his friend did but he seemed genuine. "I'm the C-c-c-cadet"

"O-ok, i'm, (y/n)" You said, thinking you might be able to trust him.

"Y-y-y-you w-w-won't come to any harm, i-i-ignore my friend, he isn't v-v-very sharp a-a-and he d-d-does some c-c-c-cr-r-r-a, weird things" He smiled like an angel and you felt you could trust him.

"Why did he throw me in a cage and drive off? I'm not a wild animal" You inquired angrily.

"B-b-because Earth has b-b-been interested in s-s-studying your planet and the p-p-people on ever s-s-since w-we discovered it's e-e-e-existence, b-b-but w-we meant t-t-to get someone t-to v-v-volunteer, so that w-w-w-was just a m-m-mistake on my friends p-part"

"Will I ever see my home planet again?" You said with tears in your eyes.

 "Hopefully i-i-if I can convince d-dodgers to set you f-f-f-f-r-r, let you go"

 You looked up at him hopefully. "So you're saying you're gonna talk to him to try and let me go home?"

" Of c-c-course! "

"You're an angel!" You exclaimed with so much gratitude that you were making him blush.

He left you there and went off to find his partner, Dodgers and was going to argue as much as he could to try and convince him to let you leave and go home.

 "Captain Dodgers" He stared boldly, sounding more confident than he felt.

"Yes? Hey, where's my soda?" The duck inquired and looked around as if expecting a soda to appear out of nowhere.

 "D-d-dDODGERS! Y-you c-c-can't leave (y/n) h-here like this!"

" Who's (y/n)? " He asked and looked around.

"(y/n) is t-t-the alien girl you k-kidnapped! You g-g-gotta let her go home!"

" What about the mission? "

"P-put up some f-f-flyers for a volunteer! J-j-just let her go home! I b -b-b-beg of you!"

" Uugh, let me see this girl you're talking about" He rolled his eyes as he thought Cadet was just a drama queen, but upon approaching your cage, seeing your dad and homesick face pulled on even his heartstrings.

"I think you may have a point, cadet, she does look a little lonely"

"See? W-w-w-we have to let her go home!"

" alright then" Dodgers sighed in defeat and started the spaceship and took you back home.

"Alright, (y/n)" Cadet smiled as he opened your cage. "You're f-f-free to g-g-go" He smiled sweetly.

You felt so grateful. " Thanks, cadet, I'll never forget you" You smiled and there your arms around his chubby form. "Take this to remember me by" You pulled him in and kissed him on the cheek before running off, waving back to him.

"Well that felt good" Dodgers smiled.

"It d-d-did, didn't it?" Cadet said dreamily.

"You're hanging up the fliers though"

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