Chapter 60

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Chresanto's P.O.V

I woke up and gasped for air. It felt like i had been suffocating for the past hour but wouldn't die. I tried to adjust to my settings and it looked like i was in a forest. I stood up and looked around for a bit. I felt the back of my head because it was hurting. I looked at the grass and followed the trail of blood. Once i got to the end i saw a body. I jumped back and looked wide eye'd. I kneeled down next to her and tempted to touch her but i didnt. I stumbled back and turned around running out of the forest. I stopped and turned back around heading back. I dug back in my pocket lighting a match them throwing it on her. Something told me i had did that and i wanted no evidence of it. Once the fire got bigger i started running. I have this urge to just destroy everything. I dont know whats wrong with me.

'Thats cause you do want to destroy anything and everyone who ever hurt you.'

I stopped running and looked around.

'Im you so there is no need to look around'

I felt myself smirk and i got in my car heading home. It likes i wasnt driving. It felt like someone else was but instead od blacking out i could feel and see what they felt and see. As i drove home i had a flashback of what had happened.


I was walking into the forest that Mrs's Perez had called me and asked me to come to. I stood waiting around for her to show up. I saw her walking towards me with a bright smirk on her face. I smirked back as she approached me.

Mrs.Perez: Chresanto

Me: Teresa

Teresa: i want my son back Chresanto im not fucking kidding

Me: your not getting him back. You left him !

Teresa: i had no choice-

Me: you did have a choice ! you didnt even give being a parent a chance you just gave him away ! He's the best thing ever and you misse dout on 18 years of his life

Teresa: that im hoping i can make up.

Me: i wont let you have that chance

Teresa: why are you so worried ? Your adopted also !

I grabbed her neck and lifted her offf of her feet. Her and Jacob looked just alike.

Me: but my mom loved me ! She died 3 days after i was born so dont you dare bring her up !

Teresa: please

I dropped her were she fell on her knees.

Teresa: i will get MY don back whether you like it or not

Me: you sure about that ?

Teresa: the jury will be happy to sign him back to me once i tell them about Alex and the beatings he use to get along with your own secretive crazy ass.

Me: you know not a damn thing about me !

Teresa: iv been doing my research on the "August Family" you guys arent as happy as you seem

She smirked and i could my body temperature rising.

Me: dont speak on my family or my mental health to Jacob you got that !

She chuckled and i felt myself getting anger growing.

Teresa: what makes you think i wont ? I want my son back ! The minute i saw you and him in that hospital i knew i had found my son and im taking him back.

Me: what if he doesnt want to go ?

Teresa: i'll make him go

Me: you cant make him do anything he doesnt want to do.

Teresa: Watch. Me.

She walked off and i grabbed her arm. I wasnt finished talking and i will say everything i got to say. She turned around and hit in the chest with a big ass stick. I groaned as she ran. I pulled myself together and grabbed her by the hair pulling her down.

Me: see i wasnt going to harm you now your done for

I grabbed her by her neck and pulled out my pocket knife. I felt as she struggled to get up. As i git ready to cut her i fell after being hit on the back of the head. I fell to the ground holding my head. Before she could get up and run again i slit her throat open. I watched as blood squirted everywhere. I saw her stand up and fall back down. My vision blurred as i saw blood on the ground. Next thing i know black.


Half of me felt proud the other half felt horrible and guilty. Once i headed home i got out the car and went inside.


I felt myself smirk and walked upstairs. I tried going in my room but its like my body took over and went to Jacob's room. He wasnt there. I looked around and sighed. I leaned against the door frame feelings this weird sensation. It was like i could control my body again. I heard the front door open and i rushed downstairs seeing Jacob. He looked at me with puffy eyes and walked past me.

Me: whats wrong

Jacob: leave me alone

I followed him upstairs and he threw some around in his room. I grabbed his wrist and made him face me.

Me: the fuck wrong wit you !

Jacob: me ? The fuck wrong wit you ? Huh ? I just got front he fucking doctors Chres !

Me: so !


Me: who's the father ?

He looked at me like i had lost my damn mind. Had i ?


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