Chapter 28

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Jacob's P.O.V

I was waiting by my locker for Chres to get out of class. It was now lunch and i was starving ! Chres had my sub and i need it badly ! I shook my foor impatiently waiting on him.

Bahja: your not gonna eat with me and Nique today ?

Me: nah im waiting on Chres. And noque suppose to be eating with Ray

Bahja: Jacob....

Me: look Bahja i DONT feel that way bout you. Your a really pretty girl and could get Any guy you want why me?

Bahja: your not like most guys. You actually have a heart and your very sweet.

Me: im not for you Bee, but i know someone who i think you'll like better than me..

Bahja: who ?

Me: you see that dude next to Rayan and Craig

I said pointing to my cousin. She nodded and i smirked.

Me: thats Corahn Lockridge he's one of my cousin's.

Bahja: ok now he's fine. All yo family can get it i swear.

I laughed and shook my head. 99.9% of my family is mix with something.

Me: he's really into car's, he can dance, he's 19, he spoils his girlfriend's, and he's kinda stubborn but always there.

Bahja: who would ever wanna leave that ?

Me: his past girlfriend's were all thots so he stopped dating for a while. He's one of the 3 that all the girls try to get at here at school.

Bahja: 3 ?

I looked at her like she was dumb.

Me: Chresanto.. My brother... Me.. And Corahn our cousin.

Bahja: ohhhh i see. Well thanks Jacob i'll talk to him at lunch.

Me: no problem oh and Bee

Bahja: hm

Me: could you NOT talk about em and Chres its kinda weird

Bahja: im sorry....but yall are really cute together

She smiled and i laughed. She waves bye and i waved back seeing Chresanto. FINALLY ! We both walked in the lunch room and sat at a table by ourselves behind Ray, Nique, Corahn, Bee, Jacob L, Craig, and Ej. I looked at Craig and frowned as Chres handed me my sub and doritos.

Chres: whats wrong ?

Me: we didnt tell Ej about Ma. She was like another mom to him to.

Chres: i'll tell before the day is over. Knowing EJ he'll cause a scene.

He said biting a huge bite of his sub. I looked at him and laughed covering my mouth from showing the Doritos i was eating mixed up wit my sub. He had Chipotle sauce all on his face.

Chres: what ?

Me: i swear you you never.......ate before

I said in-between laughs. I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I showed him the picture and laughed.

Chres: DELETE IT !!

I shook my head and got up going to Corahn showing him the picture and he busted out laughing.

Corahn: the fuck ? Hold on where my subway ! Aunty aint bring me none ?!

My laughter died down and i sighed.

Me: Umm Corahn we gotta talk to you

He nodded and hopped up following me to the table where me and Chres was eating at.

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