Chapter 41

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Chresanto's P.O.V

I looked at Nique waiting on her to fix her hair. Her and Jacob take forever !

Me: damn Nique come on !

Nique: shutup ! There might be a cute ass nigga there waiting for me

I laughed and shook my head she's a mess.

Me: aint nobody gone be here and you know it.

Nique: i know i just wanna be cute. You know we all insta famous and shit people be taking pics ion wanna look ruff and you and Jacob look all nice and shit

Me: true shit

I laughed and headed downstairs seeing Jacob at the door talking to someone. He looked like he was struggling to shut the door.

Me: yooooo Jacob who that ?

Jacob: umm.... No-

I opened the door fully seeing our dad. What he want now ?

Dad: son

Me: Jason

Dad: i.... Wow you have grown

Me: i know. What you doing here ?

Dad: they have leads on your mom

Me: were aware of that

Dad: and you didnt tell me ?!

Jacob: you were never here before for us to tell you something so why now ? So you can get a piece of the money she left behind ?

Dad: no.... I just want to be on good terms with my sons

Me: nah what you want is a check and you wont get one, you'd have to kill me "pops".

I saw Nique and i walked past him and he grabbed me.

Dad: dont test me Chresanto you know i can have that arranged in 10 mintues.

I snatched my arm away and clenched my fist.

Me: oh really ? How would that look in the news ? Ma's money is left for me and Jacob so no matter what you do you will NEVER get to that money. Your not even on her beneficiary list my dude.

I smirked and locked the door walking tot he car with Jacob and Nique behind me. Me and Jacob had got the information about mom the day before yesterday. They have 2 suspects but nobody is owning up to shit and they not gone to because thats how the streets work. I waited in the car for him to pull off. Once he did i started up the car heading to Carabbas.

Jacob: Umm Chres

Me: wassup ?

Jacob: what did you tell Trey ?

Me: nothing

I looked back seeing Nique listening to music in her beats.

Jacob: im serious

Me: nothing. Just that i'll fuck him up.

Jacob: why you do that ? He really likes me and i think-

Me: wait wait wait i know your not thinking about giving this nigga a chance.

Jacob: you should have seen his face he was being honest.

Me: no.

Jacob: no ? The fuck you mean no ?

Me: you not giving him no damn chance and you damn show aint going out with him again. He's a fucking player.

Jacob: no he's not ! He's changed !

Me: For who ? You ? Yall only went on one date and you believe he's changed already ?! Be fucking smart Jacob.

Jacob: are you calling me dumb ?

I stopped at the red light and looked over at him.

Me: no i just dont want you hurt

Jacob: chres im already hurt. we cant be together in public, matter of fact we cant be together at all ! THAT is whats hurting me.

I sighed and nodded. I couldnt change that either. It hurt me more than he would ever know but we had to accept it and just be brothers.

Me: i told you when were home we can be all lovey dovey but other than that no.

Jacob: and i don't want that.

He mumbled. I wasnt going to fight with him. I groaned. This was a long ass light. I looked in my rear view mirrors and saw 2 all black cars heading on both sides of us. I pulled the beat out of Nique ear.

Me: seat belts on now !

Nique: Chres what the fuck !


I yelled. They both obeyed. As the black cars pulled up beside us i looked straight ahead. I looked over seeing the window roll down. Just as the gun stuck out the window i sped off dodging cars left and right.


I wasnt listening. I looked out my side mirror and saw the car not to far behind us. I sped us going around every car. When they got close enough gun shots went off.

Nique: oh my gosh ! oh my gosh ! oh my gosh !

Me: hold on.

Jacob: what do you mean hold on.

As soon as we reached the intersection i made a full and sharp U turn. I looked in the mirror seeing the cars collied with each other forming into a huge explosion. I smirked. I like rushes like this. It was kinda fun. I sped off acting like not a damn thing happened. I drove to an near by gas station. I got out to put gas in the car seeing police cars and fir trucks rushing down the streets. I smirked and waited for the tank to fill up. After it did i heard the paramedics and got in the car starting it back up. I drove out of the station and went off to Carabba's in once peace but of course Jacob and Nique were still in shock.

Nique: w-what ? I-im alive ? Yes !

Jacob: what. the. fuck. just happened ?

Me: our new life

Were now a target. There are greedy people who want our money and will do anything to get it, but i'll do anything to keep my family safe. Corahn included. This is a nee life th Jacob has to just adjust to.



WHO OUT TO GET THEM ? (Other than there dad)

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