Chapter 56

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Jacob's P.O.V

On our way home Chresanto held on to a picture but wouldnt let me see it. Why is he being so secretive ?

Me: whats that ?

Chres: i told you to leave it alone

Me: well i cant so just tell me.

He sighed and pulled the car over. I was confused. What's so fucking important about the picture in his hand ?

Chres: get out

Me: get out ? Im not going no where

Chres: either you forget about this fucking picture or get the fuck out and walk.

Me: i just gotout the fucking hospital and your telling to fucking walk !

Chres: its your fucking choice Jacob. Shut the fuck up or walk.


I opened the door and he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him like he had lost his fucking mind.

Me: get your damn hands off of me.

I said while gritting my teeth.

Chres: your always bitching so now you dont have a got damn choice get the fuck out !

I didnt argue or complain. I grabbed my bag and got out the car. He looked at me and sped off. I'd never seen him look so evil and manipulating before. It scared me but i tried keeping my composure and began walking home witch was a few blocks away. My side starting hurting and i stopped to get a pill out of my bag. I swallowed the pill and drunk some water. As i walked home i saw a little girl and boy playing. They were to cute. The boy had a huge puffy ponytail and the girl had a pretty head full of curly brown hair. Kinda reminded me of me and Chres.


I was 6 years old Chres was 7. I was never happy due to the fact that we had a new stepbrother named Alex. He was nice but he made me uncomfortable. I was sitting on my bed watching my favorite show spongebob. I laughed as spongebob and Patrick fought over who was Dirty Dan. I laughed really loud with my high squeaky voice as sandy woke up. My laughter died down as i heard a knock on my door. I looked over seeing my new step brother Alex.

Alex: hey Jacob

Me: hi

He walked in and sat down next to me. I looked at him as he smiled down on me. I smiled back then looked back at spongebob. I laughed at spongebob as he tried to get out of sandy's house. Alex laughed with me and placed his hand on my leg. I just continued watching spongebob not paying it any mine. He moved his hand up and i jumped.

Me: can you stop touching me

I said in my heavy accent.

Alex: im sorry

He said then kissed my forehead, then cheek, then neck. I was still watching spongebob. He put his hand on my waist and i hopped off the bed walking towards the door.

Alex: where are you going little buddy ?

Me: outside

Alex: before you go i want to show you something and after i'll give you some candy.

Me: ooooh candy

I said with a big smile on his face. He smirked and grabbed my hand taking me into the bathroom. He sat me on the sink and took off my shirt.

Me: where's the candy ?

Alex: you'll get it in a minute baby boy

He touched my private part and i flinched.

Me: i dont want any candy anymore Alex

Alex: shhh its ok i wont hurt you

He traced his finger all over my body and i tried getting off the sink but he was in my way.

Me: mommy said that im not suppose to let people touch me like that.

Alex: but im special so its ok with mommy.

He took off his shirt and covered up my mouth. I trued taking his hand from over my mouth but he was way stronger than me. It was a knock on the door and he told me to shhh.

Chres: Jacob its Chres. Come outside with me

I put back on my shirt and wiped the tears in my eyes. He put his shirt back on and hid behind the door. I opened the door and there stood my big brother Chres.

Chres: what were you doing in there.

I looked back in the bathroom and shook my head.

Me: nothing lets go outside.

I smiled and he grabbed my hand pulling me outside. Once we got outside he picked up the basketball and and started bouncing it.

Chres: wanna play a game ?

Me: i dont know how to

Chres: i'll teach you

He said smiling showing his big buck teeth. I giggled and nodded. He handed me the ball and i walked over infront of the basketball hoop throwing it up and missing. I pouted and Chres handed me the ball again.

Chres: i'll help you Jay

He got behind me and lined his hand up with mine. I giggled. It felt weird whenever i touch my slightly older brother.

Chres: ok on 3 i want you to jump up and shoot the ball right there in the middle of that square.

Me: ok

Chres: 1..........2.........3

I jumped up and shot the ball making it.

Me: Chres i did it !

I jumped up hopping on him making him fall on the ground laughing. I was laughing to. I was on top of him and i was about to get up when i yanked up by my dad.

Me: dad what are you do-

He slapped me and fell tot he ground sobbing. My cheek hurt and my arm considering he grabbed me so hard.

Dad: dont you ever get on my son like that again you fag !

I didnt mean to though. He kicked me in my stomach and i cried even more. I knew this was the beginning of a horrible life.



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