Chapter 15

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Doing this cause i love you guys ! 💕 and i see yall love this book !

Jacob's P.O.V

After the whole dinner thing went down i went upstairs to take a shower. I thought to myself as the water was pouring down on my head. My own mom would choose a man she only been seeing for about a couple weeks over her kids, the people she birthed ! Thats some bullshit and Chres knows its. After washing myself twice and thinking i hopped out drying myself off and putting on my polo boxers. After i put those on i put on some basketball shirts and i didnt feel like drying my hair so i left it alone. I walked out seeing Chres on my bed.

Me: sleeping in here again ?

Chres: nah not tonight

He looked... Sad. Well more like worried or something. I didnt really know because it was so many emotions mixed together.

Me: yo Chres You good ?

Chres: what you think ?! A man could possibly be hitting my momma and she scared as fuck pushing away her kids ! No im not good !

Me: she'll come around... Hopefully . She's just blinded by love right now Chres

Chres: i dont get it though ! Shut her own kids out for what ? She WANTED that nigga to disrespect us and you werent even shocked that she let it happen.. How come ?

I sighed and sat on his lap.

Me: she's just emotional right now thats all Chres.

Chres: about what ?!

Me: think about it ! And stop yelling damn aint nobody tryna hear all the shit tonight.

He sighed and i reached and grabbed my phone off the night stand as he thought. Your probably like Jacob why are you so calm ?! Well because it was all obvious. As Chres and Donalds was yelling back and forth ma looked like she wanted to laugh but then she saw that we were talking back and got sad once she saw Donald leaving. I knew this was going to happen.

Chres: Jacob im clueless help a nigga out here

Me: i swear you slow

I laughed and he chuckled lightly. I stood us and sat on my light blue bean bag with my phone in my hand.

Chres: explain

Me: alright... Ma knew Donald was gone disrespect us. She was loving it and laughing about it. You know why ?

Chres: why ?

He looked hella confused. I swear if i could give him some of my brightness in some situations i would.

Me: Chres we like each other and were blood brothers. She's a mother who's disappointed in her sons. She's always saying how dad left because he didnt want this to happen but its all because SHE wants to leave and she's mad about how easily dad got out Chres.

Chres: thats a lie !

Me: its not ! If you were a father would you want your sons kissing each other and shit ?!

He stood quiet.

Me: exactly ! I dont know about you but me im moving out

Chres: where are you going to go ?

Me: i dont know but i'll find somewhere

Chres: well if you go i go

Me: of course. Id force you to go even if you didnt want to

Chres: and how were you going to do that ?

Me: i woukd have found a way i always do

He laughed and i smiled.

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