Chapter 29

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Everything happened so fast!

Laurie was just in her room then decided to leave as she didn't feel safe there anymore. Then she bumped into a nurse who was trying to bring her back to her assigned room. But when ever she tried to resist and explain to the nurse that she wasn't safe they merely brush her off and try talking her into going back.

That was until Michael had came in behind the sweet, kind hearted nurse. Stabbing her in the back lifting her frozen body up off the floor. Before letting her go and lifelessly fall onto the ground as blood drains out of their body. It was a grossume sight to behold and Laurie will never forget that pleady, helpless face of the dying nurse.

Running and running through out the many corridors in hopes of finding the room that Jake was in. She needed him now more than ever than before. When she got to his room all she thought then was to protect him when she saw how truly helpless he was when a killer was literally stand next to his bedside.

It took a quick push from her as she trys to put Jake on her back. Than in her best attempt she ran out only to be followed by the two terrifying men. Laurie was of course scared for her life as she tried to get away.

Only to end up running into the same man that had saved them before.


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