Chapter 17

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Loomis was in absolute horror as he heard the news from one of the staff at Smith's Groves. "How is this possible?!" He yells as he rushed to the door grabbing his car keys driving off to the mental asylum.

He was in a fit of rage as he got to Smith's Groves. Looking upon it as the disaster happened. Fear ran through his blood vessels as he panicked at the utter chaos happening in front of him. Loomis didn't know how to react to all that is happening. 

Before realising something felt off he was too late to notice. Michael was on his car roof, while Andrew was at the car door. Turning a as he heard glass shattered he looked fearfully as he didn't expect to have his two previous patients to try such a stunt.

They got inside his car and drove of. Loomis didn't know where but if he had to guess it was back to Haddonfield. Their home, the only place they knew.

"Oh god no this can't be happening?!! Why is this happening? The evil has escaped!" Loomis yells out looking like an absolute madman.

As he watched Michael and Andrew drive of into the unknown.

The Myers twin's Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora