Chapter 14

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Being left and forgotten by someone who they thought had loved them. Michael growls feeling rage fill him because he just couldn't except that jake had left them. On the other hand Andrew was wears a pumpkin mask seeming more relaxed than Michael. As if he had excepted someone like that to happen as he wrote and gave his brother a short note.

[He didn't leave on his own, he was forces out.] Was what was said on the small piece of paper.

Michael nods in understanding smiling slightly as he should of known this from the very beginning.  Jake loved them and didn't show any hostility towards them. He loved the two very dearly, he wouldn't just leave without a notice.

Michael sighs as he felt tired going to sleep. While Andrew was still awake watching as the gaurds went by their cell. He smirked as he looked back at his brother thinking of away to escape.

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