Chapter 5

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Sitting in front of the desk of the one in charge of the school. Wesley, Michael and Andrew sat separately patiently waiting for their parents who had just been informed of this incident. Michael looked at the floor with dark eyes that almost seemed black at the moment. He was snapped out when he felt Andrew laying his head on his shoulder. Normally he wouldn't mind the geuster but he was still raging inside. Not wanting to cause an even bigger fuss now he merely left his brother to do as he pleased even just a little nap would be fine.

Andrew felt tired as he had a small bruises on his knuckles and so did Michael. They had gotten to violent as they had almost snapped completely at the boys bathroom. Lucky for Wesley and his friends they get another chance to live another day, to their displeasure.

Finally their mother came to the school building only to see the tired, emotional and physical exhausted boys of hers. Deborah Myers couldn't believe the condition her boys where in and once she heard what had happened she came as quickly as she could, before walking inside she glared at the headmaster who was supposed to look after the children in this school. "Please explain to me why did you call me when I had work to do and why are my two dear sons are here?" She asked with venom in her voice.

The headmaster nods looking rather bored and uninterested at the moment. Not showing a good example of how an adult should act while in this professionally business. "Well Michael and Andrew where seen causing an utter up roar against the year's old then them." They explained with no care or sincerity at all.

"Well maybe next time do a better job at your bloody school my two boys have been constantly harassed and bullied by the same people over and over again!" Mrs Myers yells.

As for the headmaster they nod and brush her off letting them leave the school grounds seeing to be already having enough of them. Deborah sigh dragging her sons to the car before driving them home.

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