Chapter 9

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Waiting and waiting until night hearing the voices of their mother and sister. Getting on their costumes Michael and Andrew went downstairs only to see their mother and sister arguing. They waited until their mother left as the door knocked knocked once more as Judith's boyfriend comes inside the house. Now her and her boyfriend went upstairs telling the twins to just go trick or treating by themselves.

So they did. I mean they would never pass up the free chance to be able to get free sweets would they now. With a unnoticeable excitement in their face their went out on their clown duo costumes going to many different houses, receiving many different treats. They even shared and ate some on the way back home, enjoying themselves.

Soon their fun had come to an end as they it was time to go back home. Michael groans as they walked home hand in hand as Andrew let's out a small resuring smile towards him. Walking inside their homes they split apart Michael grabs a knife as for Andrew he grabbed the duck tape and tapes their step farther Ronnie to the couch. As they wait for a bit longer for Ronnie to wake up they slit his throat as he began to cry and panic, noticing the sitting he was in before he died.

Now they hurried to hide as they hear footsteps Andrew let Michael go upstairs since he still had a knife. While he began to grab the nears item which was a bat. As he swung down Andrew tried to use as much force as possible knocking the teen down. Then began beating them until they where a lifeless sack of bones and meat.

Michael was silent as he got upstairs nearing to his sisters room. As he got inside he saw a mask that seemed to be left by her now dead boyfriend. Picking it up he saw Andrew and gave it to him letting him to the honours. Andrew gulps feeling nervous at first but as he took of his old mask and put on the new one, his delammer has changed as he put it on. A new feeling came up, one with the need to kill. Voices were stuck in his head and before he even realised it. He was outside the door with his dead sister's body in his lap. While Michael sat next yo him with Boo in his arm as they wait for their mother to come home.

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