Chapter 10

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Deborah Myers came back home only to be met by the sight of her two boys bloody and her older daughter's dead corpse. She was horrorified as the three had heard the sirens of the police. In a panic she had no idea what to do as they had arrived at the front of their house. It felt like that she couldn't breathe as the cops checked around the place. Deeming it as a murder sense and began to take both Michael and Andrew away from her.

A few days later they where sent to an metal asylum after their trail. Now they where locked up away from all humanity. Barely any life surrounding them as the twins rarely get any visitors. Unaware of what has happened to their mother.

Loomis was their doctor always asking them the same questions every single day. It was a bore for them. Both Andrew and Michael didn't really like the man at all as he seems to obsessed with them when they are just little kids with a bad past and a toxic family relationship.

But he was the only other person they had ever seen after killing the nurse who had insulted them. He was trying to fix them wasn't he but they don't want to be fixed. They are perfectly fine with who they are now.

One day something different happened a new nurse had been assigned to them. Their name was Jake Park a 20 or so year old male with tanned skin and black hair along with soft, tired brown eyes. He was Michael's and Andrew's new nurse.

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