Chapter 22

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Night has came, on this Halloween night as the boogeymen wonders about.

Jake felt nervous and scared as he walked alone towards Laurie's house. He knew that someone was watching him, he felt their lifeless eyes staring him down with such intensity.

He quickly got to her house and locked the door. As he did so he heard banging next and Laurie screaming. Jake opened it letting her inside. She seems petrified. Not long he saw what had made her like this, as a tall figure walks towards them in an awfully slow pace. Now he yo was terrified.

Rushing inside the house they got upstairs only to see the kids awake. "It's all going to be alright." Jake says to the kids, who seemed just as terribly afraid as them.

Jake merely smiled at them trying to confront them before hearing Laurie screaming one more to see the same man that was chasing after her. He got in front of her, not noticing the glint of jealousy in the murders eyes. Another man who was dressed the same as the first grabs Laurie before wrapping his hands around her throat cut her airway. Jake turned around as it happened before having his head slammed against the wall as the children scream running away from the sence. As the two men took the two unconscious people with them to the old Myers home.

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