Chapter 16

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Gaurds surrounded them as they got up and out if their cell. Michael was left as it seemed that they only wanted his brother Andrew. Andy merely followed their orders doing as they please. That was until he was nearing the entrance.

Frozen in place he didn't believe it would be this easy to fool these people into letting their gaurd as they tried to move him into a truck. These fools had just lead him to the exit without realising that it will be his way out of this shit-hole of an asylum.

All the guards around him looked at him in anticipation. Waiting for what Andrew would do. If he does plan on doing anything or not. Everyone went silent and no maked a noise. It was deathly silent.

Until one of the gaurds got attacked breaking the strangling silences.
Before anyone could realise the situation it was all too late. They were dead in a matter of seconds.

Meanwhile Michael was in his cell as chaos happened. Two male gaurds dragged a female patient into his room only to mock him and attempt of rape. He felt disgusted with them as he got up grabbing one of the men's head throwing them against the wall before slamming his foot against their head. The other man coward in fear as the girl got out of his grip and Michael just let's her go.

Staring at the shivering man before him. It had amused him as to why such creatures exist when they are so frail and fragile. So easy to break in his eyes.


The next second the man was dead. Michael had an evil glint in his eyes he walked out of his cell, to find his brother. Who was outside waiting for his arrival.

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