Chapter 7

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"Another day in hell!" Andrew yells groaning he was always slightly more talkative then Michael but because of that he would often end up shouting out both of their opinions or just talk shit behind the teachers back. Sometimes he would do it to their face as he didn't give a fuck about what they had thought about his behaviour. Michael was often mistaken as the opposite but in reality they where both the same, no matter much or how little the other talks they shared the same interests and the same ideas.

And rights now they putting one of them into action as they had just gotten to school. Throughout the school day they had gotten everything ready. All they had to do now was wait.

When the school ended Wesley came out alone unaware of his fate. Walking into the woods not noticing anything suspicious. Michael and Andrew put on their clown masks while following their awaiting prey. Andrew picked up a stick after they deemed that they have gotten far enough for no one to hear the teens helpless, miserable screams of agony.

One strick, in the back of the legs, Wesley groans falling onto the grass floor. Two strick it had hit his other leg serverly damaging it, screams had now erupted from the helpless boy. Three strick, landed on his stomach, Michael did it this time as he watches the boy cough up blood. Four strick, aimed at the face and now Wesley had a bloody nose, begging just to be let go. Five strick, now he was lifeless on the floor as the final blow was finally delt.

Today was going to be the true night of horror as it is a Halloween night.

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