Chapter 27

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Laying down in a stiff hospital bed Jake wondered if there was something he could of done to prevent this horrid outcome. Maybe there was but he didn't know it. All he felt now was horrible now as his spineraul core was almost broken and needed surgery to fix it unless he will be paralysed. Jake sighs as the many doctors started the process.

Laurie Strode was in her own hospital room looking around with dull eyes. She was expecting something to happen but she didn't know what it was just yet. And because of the fear of the unknown she kept thinking of Michael and Andrew. 'They both are dead right?'


A shadow loomed in the plain white hallways of the hospital as all the doctors and nurses have left. Stalking it's way towards Laurie's room without her expecting.

Michael was already inside the hospital while Andrew was outside servaling the area. They where on the prowl for their precious prey and there is no room for any mistakes. Checking all the windows Andrew looked through the thin glass watching. He was starting at Jake, their beloved who seemed so in pain as knifes cut open his flesh. Normally this wouldn't bother Andrew but this time it did. He felt the urge to cry for Jake as the man seemed only half conscious for the operation.

Michael could hear the heavy breathing in one room before catching a glimps of what is inside. Seeing the same thing as Andrew does. He didn't like it not one bit but right now his priority is killing Laurie. Hopefully when he gets back to get Jake the whole thing would be over and done with by then.

That's what they both are hoping at least.

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