Chapter 4

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Once at school Michael grabs Michael's hand and they went to the bathroom while Michael began to ask,"Are you hiding something from me?" So blandly as if he is expecting a direct answer from his sibling. But to his disappointment he got none.

Andrew froze as he felt conered until they hear more footsteps coming towards the boys bathroom. Soon Wesley and his lackeys showed themselves. The sight of the much taller kids agitated the brothers as the gang was just a bunch of low life's who should know better. Michael didn't want to deal with this shit at the moment as he trys to get the two of them out. To bad one of Wesley's boys decided to pull on Andrews hair mocking him.

Causing an anger to raise in both of them.

Michael in a split second tacked the random boy punching them while Andrew trys to push the other two out. Only for Wesley to take things to far by throwing insults at their mother and her job. It disgusted the two on how someone older than them can take such pleasure in trying to ruin their lives.

Everyone hated them for just living and breathing, for just trying to be themselves. It pissed them of as no one would even try to get to know them or try to at least understand the Myers brothers. Even the fucking teachers were absolute shit at their job of handling these situations. Just standing by watching the sence unfold until it was too late.

It made them sick to their stomach's that there was even such people like that to even exist in the world.

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