Chapter 6

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Andrew and Michael was sitting on the couch as their mother stared at them before sighing. "Why would you both even think about starting a fight with people older than? Why are two even getting into fights in the first place?" Deborah asked her two sons who looked down in what could be assumed as shame.

They held on each others hand as they got scolded until they where allowed to go back to their shared bedroom. And that's where Andrew decides to spill everything to Michael and show the older his drawings of them along with their Boo and their mother standing over Judith's dead body. Michael's eyes widen at the child like drawing as he saw what Andrew truly wanted. "You want to kill Ronnie and Judith so that we can live as a happy family again before dad died..."

Nodding in excitement Andrew smiled at his twin in hopes of them agreeing to his plan. Michael debates about that day as they are called for tea by their mother. He had began thinking about for an hour or more question the life they had now. Would it be worth it? Taking the older sibling out of the picture because of he change in behaviour after their dad had died. Maybe it was since she wasn't the same anymore and was now just an eye sore. So he nodded at Andrew as they began to go to bed not knowing what the future may hold for them next.

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