Chapter 26

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That was until Loomis had finally showed up. The elder man threatened to shot but the twins didn't listen getting closer to the two injured people. Loomis begged them to stop but it was a measly failed attempt. Then he began to shoot Michael six times before aiming his gun at Andrew. He shot the him six times as well before the two fell on the flour limbless.

Jake was sweating everywhere before looking up at Loomis not believing his eyes as he just wanted to hug the man. Laurie busts out sobbing into Jakes chest glad that this nightmare was finally over with.

Soon cops and an ambulance came and picked them up. Putting Jake in a stretcher. Laurie just sat by his side that whole ride as they felt a small wave of relief crashing over them. "Hopefully this Halloween night will soon end." Was all that Jake had said before he closed his eyes falling into a blissful sleep.

As for Laurie she just felt like this whole thing wasn't. The nightmare has just begun.

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