Chapter 15

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The days have trickle away as the seconds turned to minutes soon to hours that have turned to days. Longer it takes the more time has been stripped away from your fading existence. Until you are wiped off of the planet for all entirety.

That what Loomis was probably hoping to happen with the twins as he had worked with them for 15 years giving up on them half way through. But he had seen the Jake trying his absolute best and felt pity for the man. He had to get rid of him because he didn't want his old partner to suffer because of what he has done. That doesn't mean he didn't feel regret as he done so. He hated himself for ruining his best friends career. Jake could of done better and reached bigger goals in life and would of helped so many but Loomis had to take it all away just because of this gut feeling he had.

"Well if I ever see him I should apologise and take him out for a drink like the old times when we where full of spirit." Loomis says as he remembered those times he and his old and first probably only colleage. Even though they didn't seem close the had a friendship even if it was a small one it was there.

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