Chapter 19

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Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Wait wait wait wait....what?!" He yells out in panic not fully grasping the whole situation yet. "Are you fucking serious right now!? How could this have even happened? You said you would take care of them and now they managed to escape from your watch?!"

Loomis on the other side of the phone felt nervous as he began to speak. "Yeah I'm sorry I didn't expect this to happen either but we have to stop them, we have to protect their sister and prevent them from killing her." The elderly man mumbled out.

Jake felt uneasy as he knew what Loomis was talking about and knew who he was referring to. That's the reason why Jake actually started being friends with Laurie in the first place just to protect her from her past and her brothers.

"I'll do whatever I can if I see them I'll try my best to at least survive if they decide that I'm in their way." Jake says sighing at the end thinking about the absolute shit he is now in.

Loomis sighs as well before they had ended the call. Now Jake was in full on panic mode. He even jumped when a fellow worker had gone to check on him. Jake made a poor excuse to why he had reacted that way by saying Halloween was nearing he was kinda expecting to have few scares on him.

He can never tell anyone about this, no one at all or it will cause more unnecessary panic in Haddonfield.

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