Chapter 23

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Everything was a blur to Jake as he didn't know where he was.


Is Laurie okay?

Oh god!

Jake began to panic as he banged his head on something groaning in the process. Now his head stings with an aching pain.

Michael and Andrew where hiden in the house one with Laurie while the other watched Jake making sure he doesn't escape. Michael was one guarding Jake as he had heard the loud bang only go witness the older in pain. He didn't like seeing them in pain it hurts him too deeply.

Meanwhile Laurie was having a panic attack as Andrew trys to force her into remembering them. But he was never satisfied with no of her answers as she was in a blind panic. Laurie was practically in tears when all this new information has entered in her head. As she felt like dieing. But she won't give up! No never! She has to protect Jake who maybe inside this house she's trapped in as well. And with this new refound hope she waited until the man in front of her will finally let down his gaurd.

Michael was trying to calm Jake down who merely screams and kicked him away. This causes more pain being inflicted to his heart, as all he and his brother ever wanted now was Jake to love them. They both agreed to sharing him and never letting him go ever again.

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