Chapter 12

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Another 5 years have past as Jake had gotten to see his two favourite patients grow right before his eyes. Even through Michael and Andrew didn't really like talking they would show him affection which had confused others. But he didn't care as long as they are happy then so will he. Its just he finds it sad that the twins he knew would probably never experience the real world. It had broken his heart as he thought about them they where perfect angels in his eyes.

But then again they could be using him somehow so that they can find a way to escape. At that thought Jake frowns as he felt a pang in his chest as it had ached. He truly loved those two had hoped for the best for them. Even if that means he has to end up being somewhere else's for finally be independent. Does that mean he doesn't care about them? No. He truly does and when they do end up being free he will be more than willing yo take them in. Of that day ever happens but the problem was Loomis...

Jake had seen the many pages of written that the man had on his desk.  It was an awful lot and it was all about the twins murdering their older sister. That made him feel sick ad to why would the doctor even dared to write a book on children who haven't even consented to having a book about them. This had angered him for some time now but he couldn't do much about it since he doesn't want to lose the job that he loves doing so much and had gave him great joy.

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