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Amane never thought about the future yet it was so near since they only have two years till they graduate

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Amane never thought about the future yet it was so near since they only have two years till they graduate. "I'm still taking career counselling, how about you?" He bounces back the question to his girlfriend as her eyes widened. Y/n thought that children have it easy when they choose what they want to be when they grow up, she had a lot of choices and now that the future is near, making it difficult to make a choice.

"I kinda stopped..." Y/n admitted, she couldn't remember the last time she had career counselling, maybe it was back when she was in elementary. "I stopped attending them since there's literally no teacher who would try to help me choose my career. I wanted to have Tsuchigomori-sensei as my counsellor, I think he could help me."

"Considering I was this close of not having a future back then, I feel scared when time passes by, like one day you're an adult now and you'll never get to look back because we'll only go forward." Y/n tells him, hugging her knees together while looking ahead. "Like hey bitch you're now an adult watcha gonna do? Bitch I don't fucking know, I'm an indecisive hoe."

"I envy those who look forward to the future and there's me, scared." The h/c haired couldn't help but to chuckle at her words. "And you know what's scary? When you're not a part of it..." Y/n whispered the last part but Amane could hear her loud and clear, it's like she didn't want to move forward at all. His amber eyes sparkled with mirth, he felt the epiphany on what he should do to convince her that there's nothing to be afraid of.

He grabbed her hands as Y/n turns to look at Amane, both of them getting lost from each other's stares. Amane has a bright blush on his face, thinking that it might be corny if he told her and it made Y/n's face turn red either. "Let's get married... in the future." He proposed, its more like a shy mumble, kinda weird for someone who literally can switch from cute to hot. "I'm not sure if that would change your mind, but I want to be a part of yours too."

It felt like the air had taken away from Y/n's lips. "I'll make sure of it." Amane smiled goofily, squeezing her hands together so tenderly. Y/n quivered, turning away from the male and blushed heavily at his cheesiness. She was wonder struck, too speechless to say anything.

"If you're in it then... I supposed it won't hurt to look forward to the future..." Y/n murmured, her h/c eyes glancing up to his amber eyes under his thick lashes. Amane moved her bangs up, placing his lips on top of her forehead. "Sure, I'll marry you in the future..."

Amane engulfs her into a big hug, throwing his arms around her waist and tugged her closer. "I'm so glad..." He puts his hand behind her hair, nuzzling his cheek against hers. Y/n smiled as she hugged him back. It'll ruin the moment if she reminded him that they're already married in the supernatural side of the world but he meant the marriage in real life. "I really am glad..."

"Are you crying...?" Y/n tried to hold back her giggles as Amane started to sniffle in a quiet manner so that his girlfriend wouldn't hear it. Everything that is currently happening at this very moment felt surreal, even Amane couldn't believe it. She used to believe that she's the only one who could only save herself from the grief she had been holding but sometimes, you need someone there for you too, there's nothing wrong about relying on someone unless they're willing to let you cling on them. Like Amane.

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