What lies beyond ch-9

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~ 3 Months Later ~

"Belle you're moving a little too fast.'' mom told me as i carried my last box to the medium u-haul van. i turned to look at her. i had gotten around to moving my wrist here and there. ''You can wait another three years!'' decimus follwed me throught the house. mom was trying her hardest not to cry i could tell. I put the box in the backseat of my car,which was hooked up to the van. I had finally started college, and had found an apartment complex not to far from campus. i was moving in today with Marco as my faithful roommate, He waited in the drivers seat,smiling a little bit. ''You guys are going to need help moving in...'' siti said. i rolled my eyes and went down the line of my family members to hug them as hard as i could. Mom sighed and her lip quivered a bit but she smiled none the less.

I hopped into the front seat and looked at marco. i made sure my bird's cage was secure and Gave a final wave to my family. who i'd see at thanksgiving. ''You call me!'' mom called. i gave her a thumbs up and we were off. i sighed and threw my head back and gave out the biggest breath of air i'd given in a long time. i smiled cheerily at marco and he rolled his eyes. this was great. i'd be starting a new life not really in a new place but you pretty much got the meaning of it right? This life didnt include asgardians giants of the frost any of that. it felt really corny to say but this was a life that was going to fit my mortal.

- I thought i could hear someone call my name from down the hall. i was on a matt on the floor. i sat up. Marco and i had taken a break from things and i'd taken a nap, I got up and opened the door from the inside of what would be my room and was shocked at what i saw; bloody handprints as if the victim had been clawing the ground i shakily followed the bloody marks and they led to marco's room. afraid of what i was going to see i jolted and held my breath, i didnt see the body, all i saw was loki leaning over a bloody sheet...And then i woke up in a cold sweat. i fell back and caught my breath.

"its like midnight. what the heck are you doing?'' marco asked as he walked in on me putting our brand new dishes in the diswasher and unpacking boxes and putting things where they belonged. ''Couldnt wait i'm anxious.'' i said. and in another truth i really wanted to get my internet back up. Marco chuckled and helped me. ''We should like, go order pizza or something. i'll get your T.V up and we'll put on the netflix. deal?'' i shrugged and made a face at him, ''Sure.'' i said to him. i smiled and shook my head. trying to push that dream as far from my mind as i could..

~ That certainly was not the image i was trying to project into her thoughts. so she and that mortal boy had had become flatmates. that guilt trip that had gotten to me was slowly starting to fade away. ''You see she had moved on.'' Volstagg's voice had intterupted my thoughts entirely. i growled at him as he set down a tray. ''we're keeping an eye on her. sos you don' go and mess things up.'' i wish he could see my chesire smile from the metal mouth bind.  i  was keeping an eye on her so They didnt mess things up. i just kept my eyes to the ground for now.

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