~!!!BONUS!!! PT5~

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Kibby held Kobus's hand, walking close behind you and your highest-ranking members. If Marco hadn't known any better he would've thought this would be a little terrifying even if he was much stronger than you...Possibly. Finn's coat had been discarded long ago, Leaving him in his all-black two-piece suit...Minus the coat. Your mask stayed on, It's design matching the Owl skull of Your ship's flag. Its design had been inspired by Alfy and his powers. 

You had the children protected by Kobus who was doing a fine job at it. Everyone was dressed up and ready for the special appearance, Sydney was going to do the talking because you weren't sure if you'd be able to keep it together. You saw some old members of the whitebeard crew wandering about, your larger group of people being led by Marco had caught their attention though. Following behind discretely the Kids and Teens walked silently, observing the buildings around them.

You saw the occasional whitebeard flag hung high on the rooftops. You felt yourself grow a small smile from underneath your mask. Though it soon fading and a pit of Nervous opening up in your stomach once you saw the Giant, but similarly styled home like the rest. You felt Sydney place his hand on your back, pushing you forward gently. Knowing you'd bail as soon as you got any closer.

Taking a deep breath you continued on, walking a bit faster to catch up with Marco. Kibby saw you move faster and ahead of Sydney, Letting go of Kobus before he could catch her, she ran up to you, grabbing onto your pant leg. Looking down, You chuckled, Picking Kibby up. She giggled, wrapping her arms around your neck. Sydney snorted, patting Kibby's head as she laid it down on your shoulder.

Most of the adults in your group chuckling at how you had a soft spot for the small girl. Finn had even gone as far as to say she was Yours and Sydneys illegitimate Child. Oh, how the world would crumble if you had a kid. Marco smiled at you, Opening the doors to the home, Murmurs from inside stopped as soon as the doors opened. The home growing quiet, You signaled for everyone except For Finn and Sydney to stay outside.

The doors shut behind your group, Leaving Kobus and Marian to tend to the group of teenagers. And Kibby...


You walked through the halls, Jihi on your hip waiting in case any course of action was needed. You kept a hand Loosely on your belt, Once you walked into the room of all 16 division commanders, You noticed all of them were set up in a way that looked very intimidating if you hadn't been raised by them.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with us-" Sydney stopped talking once Pops raised his hand,

"Can the Lass not speak for herself?" Pops grumbled

"I know for a fact she isn't mute." Ace growled

You stayed silent, Smirking under the mask, Pushing Finn and Sydney aside, walking in front of them, Showing off.

"Now is that how you treat a Guest?" You hummed, "It's a pleasure to be meeting with you... Old Fart" You could barely contain your smile

Sydney deflated

"Excuse me?" Pops Was confused but very irritated.

"I mean, You're practically ancient, Lived through your own generation, The Supernova's, and Now! My generation! Hell. I was raised on your ship." You almost choked on your own joke

Izou choked on his Sake, Finally understanding, Coughing violently as he tried to regain his breath. You put a finger where your lips would be, Silencing the now bouncing with excitement Izou.

Vista looked at Izou suspiciously, Why was he so excited all of the sudden?

"I Mean C'mon, Don't ANY of you remember when Thatch stole Ace's and Dad's clothes?" 

The room went dead silent, Except for the trying to squeal quietly Izou, Who gave up and rushed towards you with tears streaming down his face.

"Y//NN!" He bear-hugged you, You clutched the back of his Kimono, crying lightly

"Kid- No!" You heard Kobus Shout, You soon felt a small tug ar your pant leg,

"Let Go of MA!" Kibby shouted at Izou Pulling you behind her

The room grew dead silent... Again.

"She's adopted" You hummed, Picking her up, "Kib's, Hun, This is my Family, Just like Mr. Marco is" 

"Oh." Kibby hummed, "Sorry Mr. Girl!" Kibby chuckled, Ace, got up, unknowing of how to react... He watched you die for him...

Ace watched through clouding eyes as you shouted some words out, An Emitting Light pulsing out from your hand, Marks appearing on your skin, Like tattoos... Just as his world was about to fade as he leaned against Luffy, He heard the shouts of his crewmates for you not to do something... What were you gonna do? Ace slowly started to feel warm again, His heart speeding up, lifting himself gently off of Luffy he saw the once gaping hole in his Chest fade... Closing up slowly. Looking up he watched as all of his comrade's and brother's injuries fade, His eyes being drawn back to you...

Watching in horror as the mask on your face finally broke, In the moments he didn't know who you were he finally recognized... Recognized that stupid shirt... That fearless Face, You... You were the Kid behind the mask that was traveling with Luffy... He watched you fall to your knees in one final Moment of Pain before he saw the life in your eyes fade in an Instant... It was almost as if he was the only one who heard your last words...

"May my debt be repaid..." 

You put Kibby down, walking up to Ace, Pulling him into a hug. You heard the cheers errupt from the rest of the commanders, Thatch pummeled you and Ace in a hug... Sabo stood there with shock, While Luffy cheered. After that Day The Runner Pirates were officially Allied with The Revolutionary Army. The Straw hat Pirates, And The Whitebeard Pirates. 

Shaking the world For the rest of time...

"Is how the story should have gone..." Ace whispered, Placing a singular Flower on the grave...

(I'd Like to put it out there to the people who have read this story but don't follow me that there is a sequel! but it's just the Pilot and I'd love to see your opinions on the first chapter!)- Author GUY

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now