~Eight~ •Hole in the Wall•

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  Ace continued to wander the ship with a plate of now cold food. He didn't know why you had gotten mad it was just a joke. Then again, he knew you were a grumpy riser so Jumping on you probably wasn't the best Idea in the First Place. He walked down a familiar Hall, it was the one that You had disappeared in the first time. He wanted to Give up on his search, dinner was over and your food was cold.

"Damn it..." Ace leans against the wall

"Hey stop leaning here, I need to get out" Ace heard your voice

"WHAT THE-" Ace jumped away from the wall

"Thank you" You crawled out of the wall

"You've... been in the wall..." Ace looked at you confused

"...The walls are hollow..." You explained dusting yourself off

"oh... That makes so much sense" Ace laughs for a bit, "You missed dinner... and well the food is cold" Ace rubbed the back of his neck

"Meh it's fine, wasn't hungry anyway's" You shrugged

"So... The walls" Ace sweatdropped

"Found it when I went exploring the first time" You just stood there, in silence

You and Ace just stood there for some time before breaking the tension.

"Have you ever been to a winter island?" Ace asked

"No, never got the chance  always ended up on Summer or Spring islands." You Replied

"Have you learned anything about the new world or The grand line?" Ace continued, you both began to subconsciously walk the halls of the Moby Dick

"You need a Log pose to navigate the Grand line and New world, Oh! and the New World is the Second half of the Grand Line, you require a coating on your ship to make it... And you can et the coating on your ship from the saboady Archipelligo" You Informed happily

"Cool, Cool" Ace smiled, happy that you seemed to actually be enjoying yourself

"Ace, Do you have any siblings?" You asked out of the blue

"Hell ya, I do! I have a little brother named Luffy! When we were younger he used to always cause trouble for me and Sabo. He never stopped following me around and it annoyed the living shit out of me for a while" Ace laughed recalling the time that he had almost Killed Luffy

"He sounds like a cool person, Probably a handful though" You and Ace made casual Conversation 

"He is, Makes me wonder what he's up to right now" Ace snickers thinking of the possibilities

"Probably wreaking havoc all over the world" You laugh with Ace

You and Ace make it to the Deck, you both end up just sitting and watching as time goes by in comfortable silence. You had questions you wanted to ask but you didn't want to ruin the peacefulness. The ship was always rowdy and had something going on. You liked the silence for once.

"I feel like going to bed, but I don't want to move," You said rubbing your eyes

"Then sleep on the ground, I won't go anywhere I have nothing else to do" Ace shrugged Sitting down leaning against the railing on the ship

"okay" you mumbled sitting down next to him shutting your eyes, "Don't tell the others about the hole... I want them to find out One by one" You snickered

"Turn everyone against each other... I like it" Ace laughed a bit

You slowly drifted to sleep, Time seemingly passing by without concern. You wondered how long this would last, you were enjoying your time on the ship. Little to your knowledge it would last as long as you would let it.

~~~Morning 9:13 AM~~~

Marco had been looking for you all morning, you weren't in your room. you hadn't been to the galley nor had you been in the galley. He checked everywhere yet had no clue where you would be.

"Did you check the deck?" Thatch asked 

"No yoi..." Marco deflated

Thatch and Marco made their way to the deck. they looked around from the door for a bit before actually heading onto the deck. I didn't take them too long to find both you and Ace sleeping on the Deck. You had Aces hat tipped over your head, while ace was snoring away with his face In the sun. Marco started to walk forward when a stream of fire blocked his path.

"shhh, This is the longest she's ever actually slept" Ace whispered

Marco simply nodded in response and continued to walk towards you. He sat on the Other side of you simply just sitting there. Thatch sat down kind of In front of you and began to deal Cards to Ace and Marco while you slept. The three of them began to play a game of cards while you slept. This had gained the curiosity of most of the crew until they saw you asleep. Already knowing of your issues sleeping at night. Mid-day came by quickly, the entire ship was doing their best to work silently, there were still whispers instead of loud boisterous voices around every corner. This grabbed the attention of The commanders who weren't on Deck, and The captain; Whitebeard.

Whitebeard walked through the unusually quiet halls of his ship. This did not frighten the man but simply made him curious. There were still people walking through the halls and the only people taking normally were his commanders, but as soon as they did anyone in the hall shooshed them. Whitebeard made it to the Deck to find it Quiet, almost absolutely silent. Not a single word from anyone. Just the silent curses of His son's playing cards next to a sleeping child.

"damnit thatch... stop winning" Ace whispered with a glare

"I'm sorry you're bad at this" Thatch antagonized Ace

"It's go-fish... How can you be so bad yoi..." Marco had to stifle his laughter afraid of waking You

"He rigged it, I'm telling you" Ace exclaimed in the quietest but loudest voice he could

"No excuses yoi" Marco giggled

Marco looked at Whitebeard and put a finger to his mouth, nodding his head in your direction. Signalling to keep quiet. Whitebeard looked to the rest of the crew who just simply nodded in agreement.

"did you find out where she goes yoi?" Marco asked in a whisper

"no" Ace denied knowing anything

You smiled, knowing you had an Inside source now, This was Fun. You were enjoying the rush of excitement the entire operation gave you. Slowly you would turn everyone against each other to simply watch and wait. This was the end game to this 'Learning Opertunity' you had accidentally created.

"Holy shit..." Thatch spoke aloud and in a rather loud tone, "Shes Smiling..." Thatch pointed at you with a huge toothy grin

Marco tipped the hat up to see your eyes, they had an Evil glint in them. You were up to something, the cogs had already begun turning. 

"Looks like Mouse is up" Ace flicked your forehead

"Ow... " Your smiled faded away in an instant, as soon as it came it was gone

This disappointed everyone, yet they were also excited. You had Actually smiled for the first time since getting there. Progress had been obviously made it was a joyous occasion.

The crew proceeded to party that night. Over a Smile...

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