~Thirty~ •The Revolutionary!•

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The artwork is done by me! ~Author Guy

It was official you hated Summer islands, They were always so hot and Humid. You walked around Nanashima Island, Known for its Hot and Humid weather And Amazing assortments of Flowers. Not to mention Some weird glowing shit. Marco had granted you permission to wander around, Albeit you would've done that no matter the answer he gave you but the thought was probably appreciated. You had heard of Weird people breaking havoc on some auction house nearby. Though you chose to stick away from it, The island itself gave you the creeps, Something was off about it. You doubted Marco had noticed when he gave you an answer though because you were sure he wouldn't have let you out on the Island alone had he known.

You were currently being tailed, By who? that was what you wanted to figure out. By basic knowledge you stayed in public Areas and away from alley entrances, So you stuck to the curb of the street. That gained a couple of stares but you didn't mind, Slowly the presence disappeared. and the next thing you knew you were being dragged somewhere. How the Hell they got the jump on you was your question but They didn't bother to take you anywhere. They just took you into an Alley, covered your mouth, and Kept you quiet.

"Damn It! She's gone... Son of Bitch, She could have been a hefty price..." Some guy grumbled, soon passing by the alleyway you and Whoever were situated in.

Once you and the other person were sure they were gone they released you from their hold. Immediately getting on their knees.

"I Am SO Sorry for doing that! I didn't mean to freak you out, I just saw them following and knew they were slave traders!" He? explained quickly

"A-Uhm, Thanks, My dad would've raised hell if I disappeared again..." You stuck out your hand helping him back to his feet, "Shit you're tall"

"N-No not really... I'm only 182 Cm..."

"That's tall! How old are you?" You looked at him with suspicion

"I'm 16..."

"Holy Fuck!" You continued to gawk over how someone was so tall yet so young, Though You had met taller people.

"You're Y/n? The roadrunner Right?" He asked sheepishly

"Yeah, You?"

"I'm Milo, working to be Cheif of Combat for the Revolutionary Army!" He chirped with Pride

"Sick Must be good then"

"Not really... Hack is still working on getting me to hone Basic observational Haki..." Milo Grumbled, "Oh! I should get you back to your ship, No offense but I'd suggest that you stay on your ship if you didn't notice them tailing you"

"Good Idea and I don't feel like being Nabbed when going back either So, Follow me to the Ship" You walked out of the alleyway with your new acquaintance, Talking about both of your Teams, or Crews. Milo was set up to be a Team leader Real soon, If he kept up the training he'd be leading Missions. 

Milo was pretty Nice, Had a good head on his shoulders too. Though about a Third-way through the walk he Mentioned a Familiar name.

"Woah- Woah Woah, Back up. Did you say, Sabo?" You stopped him

"Yeah... He's chief of staff back at base" Milo tilted his head

"Fuck... Did he 'Die' in an Explosion? or get hurt or something?" You asked, You knew what you could get for Ace...

"Not sure, I'd have to ask Dragon but he does have a burn scar over his left eye" Milo shrugged Continuing the original direction.

You hummed, Yup, That added up to the stories Ace had told you about his Brother Luffy and His Late brother Sabo. Now all you had to do was some Scowering for a Bounty poster and You'd be set for the best gift again. Maybe if you dug deep enough you could find his First bounty... Shaking that from your thoughts, Catching back up to Milo.

"So what's being a Revolutionary like?" 

"It's pretty nice, We get to help those who need it most. That's actually why we're here, Me and My team are on a test Mission to see how I'd do as a team leader. Of course, there's a high ranking member to supervise in case all goes wrong though" He smiled brightly

"I'd say you'd make a pretty good team leader, Maybe not with directions though because we just made a wrong turn."

"Shit! which way is your ship?"

"This way Blondey. Let me Lead okay?" You chuckled, turning back around The teen soon following after Apologizing Quickly,

"what's it like being a Whitebeard Pirate?" he asked the same question

"hmm, Well there's hardly any boring Days, Prank wars are the Norm. People go out on missions to Aquirre things or Check up on Islands that bear the whitebeard Mark. Parties are a Must for literally any Occasion, Trouble Follows us in groups... Sometimes the Fun kind, sometimes not." You explained, a content smile on your face the entire time

"Sounds kind of Nice... No paperwork right?" he sweatdropped

"Only if you're a division commander,"

"ah... sounds like you live the Life"

"Yeah, Until your dad Hounds on you about leaving by yourself... Don't tell him about the incident, I'll never hear the end of it..." You groaned

"Uhm... You talk about your dad but From the bounty posters you look nothing like any of them?"

"Oh! My father Figures Are Thatch and Marco! Marco Kind of Goes mother hen Mode because I literally attract any kind of bad" 

"Oh... The Pineapple?"

"HA! Yes! The Pineapple!" You cackled reaching the Docks quickly

"Holy... Fuckk~ Your Ship is Much bigger in person..." Milo gawked at the Moby dick

"I know... Wanna meet everyone?" You winked

He blushed, "U-Uhmm Sure! My second in Command is kind of A Fan of Izo So I could get the Chance to Brag~" He snickered, 

"Well, come on!" You yelled from the ropes, Milo Flinched, You had moved faster than he had expected

Soon enough Milo joined you on the Ship, He drew the attention of a lot of the crew members and some of the Division commanders on deck. You watched Milo admire the Ships structure, He was in absolute awe. It was Huge! 

"Close your mouth you'll attract flies" You teased, He quickly shut his mouth

"You Live on the ship don't you..." He whispered

"No shit sherlock, I'm not old enough to go anywhere yet" You hummed, letting him take it all in

"Whos this Y/n?" Ace approached carefully

"Oh! This is Milo, He's a revolutionary I met in town!" You hummed

"Y/n..." Ace frowned

"Fuck... Fine! Don't tell Marco He'll be on my ass for Months! Milo here Saved me in a pinch-"

"Slave traders had been tailing her and She hadn't noticed right away and they almost nabbed her but they were too slow, I managed to get her away before anything bad" Milo give Ace a thumbs up

"...I'm telling Marco, Thatch, and Pops Y/n. You could have been forced into the Slave trade... They aren't forgiving people!"

"Say it Louder God can't hear you!" 

Milo shied away awkwardly... What had he just done?

"U-Uhm... It was a pleasure meeting you but My team needs me! Oh! Y/n here, My Transponder snail thingy! Call if you ever need anything!" Milo waved goodbye before Hopping back down to the docks.

Well, It was Official. You had your First Ally, Maybe once you had started your own Crew you'd make it Offical Official... Who knew but Ace wiggling his eyebrows was starting to Tick you off, Beating him up was now the More important Task at hand...

(I had this chapter done yesterday So Here ya' Go! ~Author Guy)

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