~Seventeen~ •Roots•

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 After getting a shower in, you decided you'd head to your room. The fight with Ace was calming but there wasn't much Blood so the Itch was still there. Yeah, You had spent too much time with Kid that much was established once you fought the Marines. It was fun to see them suffer for what they've done, No child deserves to have to go through that... Ever. You opened the bedroom door to find everything Clean, It seemed people missed you and spent time in your room while you were away. You were gone for so long but it didn't really feel like it, That was the odd thing about it. At first, it felt like you were gone for Ages when it was only a couple of Days, Then as time went by it felt like it had been just yesterday.

You shook your head of the thoughts, clambering into bed. Your eyes drifted closed...

You woke up to the shaking of the ship and some yells here and there, You made a mad Dash for the Deck. Seeing an Attack Marine ship you smiled Wide, Stretching slightly so you wouldn't be sore in the morning. The Marines boarded the Ship thinking they could Win. One by one they dropped like Flies, Commanders here and there taking them out. You had gotten a few Marines, feeling bad that their Families wouldn't see them again. After each fight, you'd quickly dump the dead bodies overboard hoping no one Saw. You didn't think they were ready for some slight Murder. Marines had gotten Oddly Weak but you had forming bruises and a loose tooth was knocked out so You were pretty happy with your injuries. 

You looked at your hands, Blood speckles here and there some larger than others. It was obvious you had participated in the Fight. You felt a looming presence Behind you. You slowly turned around with a Toothy smile, Showing off the Missing tooth. Thatch stood behind you with his arms crossed and in his Pajamas. He wasn't happy with your participation. He gave you a look that Said all too much. You weren't getting out of this one unpunished, Thatch grabbed you by the collar of your shirt taking you to Marco in the Infirmary, You'd smile and wave to the people passing in the Halls. They gave you understanding looks of 'Good Luck'. You had even passed Izo who chuckled giving you a thumbs up. Soon you had arrived in the room you were slightly scared to enter. You opened the door for Thatch who continued to carry you.

Marco turned in his chair Looking at Thatch then back to you. He sighed Disappointment, Unsure of what happened except for the Fact that Thatch wasn't happy. Marco patched you up with basic first Aid.

"She's Missing a tooth" Thatch grumbled swatting the back of your head,

You rubbed the Spot, "It was a loose one anyways, Bound to come out at some point" You defended 

Marco rubbed his Temples looking at you and Thatch for an Explanation.

"She was fighting Marines on the Deck, I didn't see much of her Fights except... Her throwing people overboard..." Thatch voiced his slight concern

"... Just cleaning up my messes..." You mumbled

"Really Yoi?" Marco looked at you questioningly

"Listen... I spent a good two weeks with the most murderous Pirate I know of... He may have left a uhm... Good and Bad influence" You gave an Airy chuckle

"How good is Bad Yoi," Marco said sternly

"Uhh... What are your thoughts on Murder?" You said in a joking tone hoping to release some tension

"That- Jesus fucking Christ Y/n... You're too young to be Killing-" Thatch tried to speak

"I'm a Pirate with a Bounty over 2 million due to my Past... Pirates Kill to be Free, We sail the Seas Without regret..." You leaned back slightly trying to avoid their concern but Stern Gazes

"She's got one Point right, She is a Pirate with a bounty over 2 million" Izo shrugged from the doorway

"So she's not lying about that yoi" Marco raised an Eyebrow

Izo pulled out your bounty Poster showing off its updated Bounty and New Picture... The Picture was of you beating the shit out of Marines with a Face that screamed 'Monster'.

"Uhhh... Surprise?" You waited for the Lecture

Thatch and Marco went over to Izo, Grabbing the Bounty poster from his Hands. They looked at the Bounty poster then back to you multiple times. Izo shook his head displeased with their reactions to you having a Bounty. You made your way over to Izo who just looked sympathetic, but also displeased by the behavior from you he saw on Deck. It bothered him but he knew the shit you went through as a young child was bound to leave some influence on you.

"We'll talk to Pops about your behavior shown tonight, Things will be made clear in the morning, Go to bed" Izo dismissed you, Despite what it seemed, Izo knew this would happen at some point.

It was obvious that your 'Games' on the Ship had ulterior motives to them. The glint in your eyes Said so during the walks you and him would have. The only people who seemed Oblivious to this Behavior were Thatch and Marco... Possibly Ace too. They knew exactly what you had gone through yet acted like it wouldn't have left such a horrifying Mark.

"So? You can't act like this wouldn't have happened eventually" Izo sighed

"we knew it would happen... Just not so Soon" Thatch took a Seat on one of the beds

"What do we do yoi?" Marco crossed his arms, leaning against the Wall

The room was silent, All three of them trying to figure out a way to hopefully fix it to some extent. It was normal for a pirate to enjoy Killing as a stress relief of Sorts... But not a child. You were being led down a very dangerous Path by god knows what. You seemed like an Innocent child when they first had you. Something or Someone tainted you, Or maybe instincts took over when you were separated from them. Both things they wouldn't figure out anytime soon. All they could do for now was tell Pops and hope he had a Solution.

The talk with Pops went over well, even though he didn't have a solution. It was still an insightful talk, Pops was the most experienced person with these things seeing as he was the oldest person on the ship. For now, all they could do was wait and do their best to Parent you. Thatch said Kitchen duty would suffice for now when it came to terms of Punishment. Pops shot down any form of Punishment even though he thought the punishment was needed. THey had to relax about the situation... Something they couldn't do. Pops told them to talk to you more, Find the Root of the Problem.

Thatch talked to you about the Odd behavior. The only explanation you could give him was that sometimes the need to hurt someone was like an Itch that couldn't be scratched. That gave them something to work with. 

The root had something to do with Who you ran into or Met... SOmeone influenced you into a monster craving Violence. They were so confused as to why until Ace voiced that it was most likely Rayleigh who unknowingly Shaped you into it. He explained what he saw during their small stay at Saboady. He had most likely made you endure endless hours of training without much rest... Drilling the same routines into your head. It was obvious you were used to getting Physically Hurt daily.

Now all they had to do was Break an Old and New habit...

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