~Thirty-Seven~ •Not Tonight•

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(Don't mind the photo, it's just Me being a Simp. ~Author Guy)

When you got back to the boat you saw Thatch showing Teach something. Teach, didn't seem too happy about it either, despite the smile on his face. You stepped onto the Boat faking curiosity, You had a feeling it was what you thought it was.

(I know This isn't how it happened but Just let me do this.)

Thatch turned to face you when he heard you approaching, a Giddy smile on his face when he saw your curiosity.

"Look what I found in the woods on the other side of the Island!" Thatch showed you exactly what you were afraid of. Had he forgotten what one of his own subordinates said almost two years ago?! I mean you did for a short time until you saw the one you had now.

"Nice! What do you plan on doing with it?" You hummed poking the Fruit.

"I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out." Thatch shrugged, tossing the fruit up and Down, Teach faked a laugh before saying he was gonna go work on some things on the inner parts of the Boat. Thatch shrugged it off knowing this was Teach's behavior when he went on Missions. You sent a terrifying Glare at Teach's back that you were sure he felt. Of course, you only did this when Thatch wasn't looking at you.

Thatch was going to become Teach's target, and There was no way you were letting Thatch Die. Not Here. Not Ever. You were fucking Pissed, But also Extremely terrified. Teach was a veteran member of the Crew, Aka: had been a part of the Whitebeard Pirates for 20+ years. You had to come up with a plan. You had to find out when Teach planned to strike, Or maybe Teach would go for a more leveled approach and Talk Thatch into giving it to him. Though Teach didn't seem like someone who was any good with words... Then again he had made it this Far.

Your go-to plan was to stick with Thatch, Don't let him out of your sight. And That's what you did, The rest of the night Idley chatted with Thatch, Though at some point he fell asleep mid-sentence. You on the other hand did not. Your body was begging for sleep but you denied it what it wanted so badly. You could hear Teach walking around in the boat, doing god knows what but you can only assume he's plotting. Your eyes grew heavier with every passing moment. You hadn't slept at all last night, not to mention you had accidentally spent an entire day in the Shady back alleys of the supposed quaint town.

Your eyes fell closed as you slumped onto Thatch, You were hoping You'd wake up if he moved...


You had no clue what Time it was but Thatch wasn't at your side anymore, In fact, quite the opposite, he was on the other side of the boat, smoking a cigarette and Looking at the Devil fruit he found. Seemingly mulling it over and trying to figure out what to do with it. You weren't fully awake yet and had barely registered the Lurking Figure behind Thatch. When you did you jumped to your feet, sliding in between the Figure and Thatch.

Hissing in pain as a Knife was lodged into your shoulder.

"You Bitch." You hissed, Thatch whipped his head around, seeing the not-so-good-looking scene before him, With you in front of his and Teach lodging a Knife into your shoulder. Teach ripped the knife out of your shoulder, taking Thatch's surprise to his advantage, Stabbing Thatch somewhere in his Abdomen. 

(I'm not good at Fight scenes and this is super anticlimactic so I apologize)

Thatch winced having a fairly high pain tolerance came in handy. Getting over his surprise he pulled you behind him. You held your shoulder, You hadn't really ever had a Knife lodged into you before so your body wasn't sure how to deal with the Pain. Of course, you had been cut before but not Stabbed. Thatch went to Punch Teach, Not having his swords on him at the moment. The Ugly bastard dodged it with absolutely no effort. You had to think of something, Because you couldn't follow through with your plan Thatch was Fighting Teach and he even got Hurt when you tried so hard for him not to.

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now