~Twenty~ •Fuck that's Nasty•

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 Life in the whitebeard crew was normal, Once you got to the islands you would stock up. Then put the stuff away, If you got done early, you gained the treat of free time. It had become normal for you to call Marco 'dad' at this point. Nobody had a real problem with it, Fighting Marines was fun. You hadn't killed any and the Itch was gone. So you could call yourself an Ex-Murderer, Well except for the fact that ya'know you had killed before. Fighting was semi-easy, You would spar with Ace over simple things for the sake of being bored. Pranks had become a must on the ship if you didn't want to die of boredom when there wasn't any work.

You were currently docked at an Uninhabited Island. You and a couple of others were given the freedom to roam around. The island had a lush forest, and of course, you decided to part from the group for fun. There were no paths, just trees, Logs, the occasional Rock, and whatever small animal passed by. Nothing big seemed to live on the island which was nice. But you still wondered what the top predator in the island's food chain was. Some of the trees held odd Markings here and there, like arrows of sorts. So being curious, you followed them. at some point, the ground had turned into a sloppy mud of sorts. Your shoes would need to be cleaned once you got back to the ship and that was for sure. Stopping to let your legs rest, looking around you took a seat on the nearest log. It was a little damp but that wasn't the issue. The issue was that dark storm clouds had started to form overhead.

You needed to find cover otherwise you were going to get soaked and sick. Standing back up and heading in a random direction you felt the first few drops of rain land on your skin. You upped your pace to a mild jog hoping to find a sort of cover until the rain let up. 


By the time you found a small cave for cover you were soaked to the bone. Slicking your hair out of your face you grabbed what dry sticks were in the cave already and starting a fire with a lighter.

You had started carrying one around after Marco kept losing his. It had come in handy so often that you just never took it off of you. That was a decision you weren't regretting, The warmth of the small fire was nice. You had begun to think, relaxing into the wall of the cave. It finally struck you. You were 12 now... You had been on the Whitebeard pirates crew for just about 1 year not counting the time you were separated from them. 2 years counting the time you were separated. You chuckled, pulling out the soaked wanted posters in your pocket. Eustass Kid had made a small name for himself since you last saw him, So had Law. It was odd they were still at the beginning of the grand line, Seemingly not moving. Maybe they were waiting for the right time to strike and show off their true powers. Most likely Law and Killers Idea. 

It wasn't bad but you were hoping for their bounties to of raised but apparently not. You hadn't found Killers bounty yet so you assumed he hadn't gained himself one yet. The rain outside only seemed to get harsher and harsher. Pushing you further and further into the cave to avoid its rain. sounds of thunder clapping echoed throughout the cave. You had gone deep enough to know that if your fire went out you would be stuck in the dark. Hopefully, Marco wasn't momming out on everyone. You had witnessed it once, it was kind of funny but the repercussions for you were worse than everyone else's. Marco was usually pretty laid back though, he seemed bored half the time. Though you and Ace had found a cure for that, And that usually was only for your own amusement.

Here you were now, sitting in a semi-damp cave while a storm raged on outside of it. The fire's embers crackling, soon enough the fire was out. Now you sat in the dark in a semi-damp cave, with a raging storm outside of it. Sighing and flicking the lighter on, looking around you saw you had nothing to do. Thinking the cave didn't have any twists and turns you went deeper. You had no clue how long it had been, all you knew is that you were getting closet to some light at the end of the tunnel. You laughed a bit to yourself, Yeah, The light at the end of the tunnel, you were Totally dead. Once you were close enough you flicked the lighter closed putting it back into your pocket for safekeeping. 

You starred at the view in front of you in awe, It was a dome of sorts, Light was pouring in from the small holes in the walls there were more the farther up you looked. In the middle was a giant pond of sorts, not deep enough to have to swim in though. You'd say it came up to about mid-calf. You looked closer and saw two weird fruit-looking things... Your face paled, Immediately turning around and walking back into the dark cave uncaring if you hadn't flicked your lighter on.

After a while of walking, you came to a crossroads in the cave. Looking in each direction hoping for some indication of a way out but found none. Deciding anything was better than nothing you set out in a random direction... Only to end up back in the Dome from one of the other entrances at the bottom. It was then that you realized that you were just going to go in circles if you tried again. You leaned against the wall ready to wait it out. You could still see the rain coming down from the hole at the top. In the middle, right where you left it was the Devil fruit. It was circular with three weirdo spikes at the top. You couldn't lie, you were curious as to what it did. But as soon as you blinked it changed shape... So that was it huh. Some weird mirage effect then? That couldn't be too bad. Probably a lot of drawbacks to overuse though. The more you starred at it the more it switched between the two shapes. Tempting you to grab it. You ignored its oddly silent calls and just closed your eyes. Preparing to take a nap until Marco would find you.

When you woke up it was dark in the cave, a slight glow coming from the oddly large puddle/pond in the middle. The rain had stopped, The devil fruit was still there tempting you to go closer. You looked up at the ceiling seeing the moon was right above the cave. Its light shining down on the now more cylinder white shape of the devil fruit. Its swirls are contained in squiggly lines. It kind of looked like a mirror... Very fitting for the powers you assumed it held. Your stomach growled you had definitely missed dinner and it had to be about 12 am right now... Marco was definitely Momming out... Or daddin- nope definitely momming out. You ruffled your hair a bit, thinking about what you could do to help your situation. There was no way you were making it out of this cave without some sort of direction. You had a decent sense of direction if you had a compass or a log pose telling you which way was north and stuff. But without it, you were screwed and it was practically useless in the cave and the grand line.

You were hungry and as long as no one knew of the powers you would be fine... Right? What if this was the fruit they were talking about? Fuck, you shouldn't have skipped breakfast. Standing up you made your way over to the fruit. The water must have raised while you were out, it came up to your mid-thigh now. Once you were standing in front of the fruit you grabbed it from the water, it frantically started switching between the two forms trying to confuse you. Chuckling lightly you realized it couldn't trick you now. Just as you were about to take a bit you stopped. What would this do to you if you took a bite while standing in Water? Slapping yourself you got out of the water half hazardly making your way back over to your spot. You sat down, putting the fruit next to you as if it were a person... Did you really want powers? Would it be a good thing? a Blessing? or would it be a Curse?

Your mind raced with several different thoughts. Mainly doubts, Deciding you didn't want to sit there all night you grabbed a small and pointy rock. Making pros and cons list in the dirt.

Pro-                                                                  Con-
You could have cool powers                  You can't swim like ever
You could hide it                                         can't if you fell into the water
You could make Illusions                        Someone could see through them

"Oh Fuck it" You grumbled taking a huge bite out of the Fruit.

Gagging at its repulsive taste, You forced yourself to swallow the bite you took. You didn't like wasting food, even if it was nasty. Quickly finishing the fruit down to the core you tossed it quickly away from you. Afraid you might throw up if you held it any longer. Wiping your mouth of the taste you saw a blue flash overhead.

"Fuck that's Nasty" You growled to no one in particular.

Soon the blue flash returned and perched at the edge of the hole in the roof of the cave. Smiling sheepishly and waving to the blue phoenix that looked down at you from the top of the cave. He looked severely unimpressed... 

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now