~Fifteen~ •Home...?•

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After your fight with the Marines, word had spread that 'Road Runner' Was still Alive and in fact, Not dead. When you were running away from the Marines you had just happened to get Lucky, you took two wrong turns without realizing it and it threw them off your trail. That was when you were still getting the Hang of being without a Parent. Recalling the Memory you weren't sure if They were trying to help or not. Rayleigh had seen your fight and decided to up the Training level. No cutbacks, No going Easy, No shortcuts, No fighting Dirty. If you fought Dirty don't Get Caught. Those were the Rules, You now realized how hard it actually was to land Hits on the Old man. He really spoiled you back then. A week had passed since the Fight, More and More Marines showed up. Hoping to defeat you and take you in, But you knew even if you did lose, Rayleigh and Shakky wouldn't let them take you. You had developed an Odd parental Like respect for them.

Rayleigh was still going Easy per se but it was 100x harder than before. It'd often end up with you passing out with exhaustion instead of landing any hits on him. Though you could tell you were getting better, and with you getting better, Rayleigh got more Excessive. Hits would land Harder, Small pinches would feel like getting Stabbed. You had started gaining Pain tolerance. Rayleigh didn't let your wounds heal before taking you back out to fight again. He taught you a couple of things you could do with Arament Haki if you ever decided to Pick up a Weapon. Shakky started joining the fights every blue moon, you'd already figured out that much. Your training really amped up after the fight with the Marines, It left you craving for more 'Stress relief'. You were panicking inside, The only reason being you thought you had Saw Thatch. That really had you on edge, It turned out to be some random dude trying a new hair dew. It really only worked for Thatch.

"You're getting Sloppy" Rayleigh murmured while Dancing around your attack effortlessly

"I know.." You grunted as he elbowed you in the back, You skidded to a stop

"Take a break, You need it," Rayleigh said slightly disappointed looking

You huffed, "Pirates can't take breaks" You grinned

Rayleigh turned around to face you, Smiling evilly But oddly Proud. He was happy you were finally starting to get it, Pirates never got to take breaks whenever they wanted. Fights were unpredictable meaning they had to stay on high alert. Most pirates didn't recognize this... Rayleigh was shaping you into being a small Mini-Him when he was in his prime on Roger's crew. You were constantly on your toes, ready to take impact whenever now. Rayleigh had wanted to teach you how to use Conquerors Haki but He was going to let it Come in when it was ready to show. He was hoping by then Someone else would teach you. He gracefully danced around your attacks without Effort. Your speed had decreased Immensely from the point of Start. You were using your knees to support you. Each breath you took in burning your Lungs. You were overworked but didn't care if you got Sick. You were a little peeved they didn't up your bounty after the whole incident, Though it had only been a week so things could change. You had forgotten to pay attention to Rayleigh, He was only a little ways away from hitting your face, your body moved on its own just barely moving out of the way, his skin brushing against your face slightly.

Rayleigh looked at you in disbelief. You had never dodged a Punch so fluently before. He was afraid of what he was making you into, Hoping it wouldn't backfire on him later on. Knowing his luck was probably running out, This was definitely going to come back and bite him in the Ass. While Rayleigh was distracted you had Punched him in the gut due to it being the easiest Shot. Rayleigh fumbled back a bit catching his breath. You had just hit harder than you ever had, Maybe his training was a bit Excessive... The rest of the day was spent practicing your Blocks. Rayleigh was doing something right and wrong with Training you. Why he'd even decided to do that was beyond him. 

Maybe it was because he had a Kid and he never got to see them grow up and now that he did, they were so Fucked he didn't want them to go live a life of weakness and Failure... He had yet to learn why, It was always Why...


Rayleigh Dialed back the Training, He decided to put some more stuff back. He couldn't go as easy on you anymore though. Your movements had Gotten more fluent by the day, Not a single mistake in them. If there was he couldn't see it, You were improving at a faster rate than before. Marines would pop in and Pop out from time to time, testing their luck with you. You kicked every one of their Asses with ease. If any put up a Decent fight, you were only Happy to take a beating from them. Of course, that was a rarity apparently. With your movements, Fluid and Punches actually Packing you could only go up from there. He would Spar with you Once in the morning and that was it. That's all he ever did anymore. You understood why though, Even you could see yourself slowly turning into a monster. So you dialed it back also. Calmed yourself. Got back into reading about different Places, you stopped focusing on fighting but you still made sure you were in your top form. 

You had acquired Marco and Thatches Bounty poster along the Way, It was good to see their faces even if it was only a slip of Paper. Rayleigh had kept a casual conversation with you. You started to slowly form a bond with your formerly Absent father. If you ever left you'd be sure to keep him and Shakky updated. They had done so much for you without you even realizing it. Once Rayleigh and Shakky were asleep you crept out of the Small home and Bar. You started your Jog to one of the Best views in Saboady. You were sure at least Rayleigh knew about it but never showed you. Since you had free time, you had gone exploring and found the Cliff you now stood on. Below was supposed to be a way to Fish man Island. You took a seat watching the ever-expanding Horizon. You saw something small come into view.

It looked like a Ship to you, That was normal to see in Saboady though. Ships were always coming and Going. You took a closer look and it had someone on the front of it... You immediately Recognized the Fire. You looked at the Boat in Shock. Blue and Orange Flames covered the small expanse of their ship Held. If Marco and Ace were on the Ship you were almost 100% sure Thatch was too. You were ready to jump for joy when you realized it was the middle of the Night. You rushed back to shakky's Sprinting like your Life depended on it, and it kind of Did. You were sure to be semi-quiet when you arrived. You tip-toed up the stairs to find Rayleigh and Shakky sitting on the couch just looking at you.

"I was at the Cliff on the North end of the Island, You won't believe what I saw" You were giddy with excitement, This surprised Rayleigh and Shakky, they were about to lecture you but then held off when they saw how happy you got.

"What'd you see?" Shakky mused

"Ace! and Marco! Their Flames are unmistakable, especially at Night! There's no doubt that Thatch is with them as well" You were practically Jumping

"Christ Kid, Eager to Leave us?" Rayleigh laughed, What he hadn't expected was for you to Bring him and Shakky into a Hug,

"Thank you both for Taking care of my Pain in the Ass!" Tears started to prick at both of the Adults eyes

"No problem Kid, Go grab your shit" Rayleigh patted you back

Not long after you had a tiny bag packed with what you had acquired during your stay at Saboady, you promised both shakky and Rayleigh that you'd keep them updated, and if you didn't your bounty poster would. Morning came Quickly you were bouncing around the bar, and the Townspeople noticed. They kept asking what was going on but Rayleigh and Shakky never said anything. You and Rayleigh spent the morning walking around looking for the three Idiots you called your family. At one point Rayleigh even let you sit on his shoulders. He was enjoying his last moments as a Shitty dad.

You looked over the Crowed and made eye contact with a Certain Freckled Male...

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