~Thirty-Two~ •Information Exchange•

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 You had gotten a call back from Milo, Or Hack. It went well all things considered... Especially when they had to talk to Pops, Marco was silently fuming that you had talked to a boy... and Talked to him on a regular basis like you did with Sydney and Finn. Thus a meet-up was scheduled, on Whitebeard Territory, of course, Dragon was willing to meet up on their ground so it'd make things more comfortable for them. You could see the Island but it was only a dot on the horizon, Though you had Talked to Milo and You had to be the one to deliver the Files. No-one Else, No one to accompany you. You were stressing slightly but for the most part, had calmed down. Ace was still emotional from his birthday gift and had been Bragging about how cool his Brother was with 602,000,000- Beli bounty.

The morning was slow, Everyone was still recovering slightly from Ace's birthday, Albeit that was about a week ago, some people just drank WAY too much. *Cough Cough* Marco and Thatch *Cough Cough*. Marco was currently on his 3rd cup of coffee, he looked dead inside, It was sort of funny. Thatch was passed out in his room still, No one dared to wake up the cook. Though despite The amount of Coffee that was in Marco's system, He was ready to fall asleep, But he Refused, saying, and you Quote, 'I Can't what if something goes wrong? Like... Like what if A Giant ass snake appears or something'. Marco wasn't exactly coherent that morning.

You started messing with your devil fruit, making a Bug run across the deck. While scaring the shit out of people something came to your mind... What if you made them physical. You made the bug vanish, Placing it in your hand instead. It was unmoving, It didn't even feel like it was there. You tried focusing your energy on it, Your stamina started to deplete in copious amounts, But eventually, It was Physical! You could feel it, and touch it! Taking this as your chance you threw it at an Unsuspecting Izo. He screamed Everyone was on high alert, You held back your laughter, Making the now physical Illusion moving around. Everyone thought it was real! Eventually, Marco managed to 'Squash' It. Though when he raised his foot it was gone, as if it never existed. You couldn't hold back any longer, You started cackling like a hyena, drawing everyone's attention from Marco and the Bug to you.

"Did You have something to do with this-Yoi?!" Marco looked horrified

You couldn't even speak properly due to how hard you were laughing, so you settled for a simple nod. Tears started streaming down your face, Not to mention you were gasping for air at this point. Ace was astonished, He hadn't seen you laugh so hard, But the thing was you looked exhausted when only a few minutes ago you looked fine.

"H-How?!" Izo shuddered

You continued to Gasp for air, your daughter slowly dying down enough for you to breathe properly.

"Oh My god! Izo your Face!" You started giggling

"That wasn't funny Y/n!" Izo looked horrified

"N-No, It wasn't Funny, It was Hilarious! Fuck! So worth using all of my energy..."

"Y-You did that with your devil fruit!" Ace exclaimed

"Yeah! I made it physical! And then threw it at Izo"

"WHY ME?!"

"Because you were the first person I saw" You shrugged, "God I'm so fucking tired..." You yawned closing your eyes and leaning against the railing, falling fast asleep.

"... Fucking Awesome." Was all Ace said before Placing his hat on your head to block out the sun.

No one had noticed but Pops was chuckling at the whole ordeal. The powers you had gained were still a mystery to most as to what you could do with them, But that was all part of the Fun.


When you woke up the Island was Much closer. You could actually make out its details, Like how it had a Ton of mountains. Trees were everywhere, and There was a small village just off of the shore. It seemed like a really quaint place, If you ever got old enough to retire from pirating you'd retire here. Just build a tiny cabin for you and you alone and waste away in comfort. Lifting yourself up from the ground you began to crack your back. Still feeling tired was expected but at least you felt better than before. When you went to Stretch towards your feet something slumped into your field of view. Lifting yourself back up you took a look at it. it was Ace's hat, He must've put it on so you could sleep without the sun in your face. Shrugging you went with it and Placed it back on your head. 

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