~Fourty-Three~ •Can't Stay...•

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You looked down at the bottom of the Cliff seeing the still perfect condition sailboat. It was small... Very small. It was more of a Konue with a sail on it though.

(The Boat is actually called a Wa'a Kaulua, I looked up pictures of one but they're all huge so think the one from Moana)

You looked back at Sydney, Finn, Marian, and Smiled. Marian didn't really understand why you couldn't stay but Sydney and Finn did. You started walking down the small hiking path that Led down the Cliff. 

"When the hell did this get here?..." Marian was utterly confused

"It's always been here." Finn hummed

You nodded, This was gonna hurt. Once you reached the bottom of the Cliff you set the Small bag of Possessions down, Opening the Hatch for food and placing the basket in it. Marian frowned, You were doing everything like you had done it a million times before. Just Four days ago he had met you and he already had an Attachment to you. You checked the sails, seeing a few tears here and there. Pulling out a Needle and thread, Stitching the sail back together. Finn handed you Jihi. You smile, thanking him. For now, You'd be sailing in a random direction... You didn't have a log pose so you'd let the Sea take you wherever. 

You let Finn keep the swords. Hoping he'd find a Use for them. Though the small Crate of letters and photos you were keeping. Sydney looked at you, then looked at Marian.

"Hold on." Sydney said, "Marian how tall are you?"

"I'm 6'0 (182 cm)" Marian said casually

"...Y/n how tall are you?"

"I don't know... I don't measure."

Finn pulled out a measuring tape, dropping it once he saw the number.

"Dude... You're 5'5 (165 cm)" 

"Oh... Cool." 

"And?" Marian nodded, not sure why they were acting so surprised.

You laughed, Telling Marian how tall your Mom was before showing him the Picture. His jaw went Slack, You laughed at his expression finding it truly Amusing. After a few hours of saying goodbye to the Villagers, you set sail. waving goodbye to your friends until they were no longer visible. You opened the sail letting a Huge gust of wind take you Farther from the Island. It was going to be a long night... You kept Jihi at your side, never letting it go.


"Are you sure we should send this?" Finn asked

"They need to know she isn't here anymore..." Sydney said, Handing the letter to the Bird.

"I know... But what if they catch her and just send her back?"

"Then She'll leave again. Stubborn as a Mule, Finn." Sydney reminded.

"... True... What do you think she's gonna do?"

Sydney smirked, "Shake the World. I'm sure we'll see it in the Papers."

"You ever give her that weapon?"

"It wasn't a weapon. It was a Mask dumbass. I'm sure she doesn't want them knowing where she's going so I gave it to her when you and Marian went off"

"Oh... Did she Like it?"

"Mhm... I've gotta start packing my bags... The boat for the Sea train station thingy will be here on Friday..."

"You're abandoning me with unborn Triplets. Thanks."

"I'll still visit. That or you guys can visit me" Sydney Snickered.

"You are hopeless"

"and You are Loveless-" Sydney smirked, "That's rightt~ Don't you have a pen pal~"

"GET FUCKED SYDNEY!" Finn yelled flipping Sydney off as he ran

Sydney started cackling...

___ 2 Days later. With the Crew.

Its been a week since you got off of the Ship and nothing felt the same. Everything just seemed... boring. Without the ships two most energetic crewmembers, It was dull. There were no prank wars. No random fights... Nothing. Even pops noticed it. They regretted the decision they made but knew you'd be safer. The Mail-bird landed on the Railing, handing a letter to the nearest commander... Who just so happened to be Thatch. Thatch thanked the Bird, Tipping it 5 Beli. Thatch's brows furrowed seeing how it was sent from Sydney and Finn.

"Oi! Marco..." Thatch called waving the blonde over with the unopened letter.

"What-yoi," Marco asked with his usual bored face 

Thatch opened it, showing him who it was from,

'Y/n left the Island earlier this Afternoon. You did this to yourselves. I refused to stop her if this is what she really wants to do then I support it. Don't come crying back to the Island looking for her cause she isn't here. Also. She admired you all more than you thought. She got a weapon recently. Its name is Jihi and It's a Naginata. Thank's for looking after her for as long as you could. But Screw you for doing something you promised you wouldn't.'

"She warned us I guess."

"What is it Lads," Pops asked, confused about what they were looking at.

"Y/n left the Island. Also, She got a weapon, Its name is Jihi... and It's a Naginata-yoi" Marco hummed rubbing his temples with a guilty look.

The crew's eyes widened... Hoping you wouldn't do something stupid...

(Sorry for the Short Chapter! ~Author Guy)

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang