~Twenty-Seven~ •Hide n' Seek•

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It was an average day, with no work to be done, none to be completed from the previous day. Absolutely nothing to do. No fights, Nothing, Not usually this would be your kind of day but it was just too boring. Nothing was even happening, Ace had called it a rest day for pranks, Thatch was busy cooking or trying new things in the Kitchen, and Marco was off talking to Pops. Haruta and Vista were playing Poker with Izo and Jozu. Marco said No to joining them, Fossa was busy with something of his own too. Literally, No one was doing anything yet they were always doing something. You had fixed yourself with the most boring book in the Library by accident, But you were already halfway through it. The book had Zero Flavor to it, It was like bland Dango... and Dango was good.

Ace and Haruta Noticed the very Visual Boredom on your face. It hurt them to see it, You looked so bored you almost resembled Marco's resting Face. it was terrifying.

"Okay, I can't take this, Y/n We're playing hide n' Seek. Whos In!" Haruta exclaimed taking the book from you and tossing it somewhere random on Deck.

"Oh thank god." You stood up clapping your hands together.

"I'm In!" Ace raised a hand, walking over to you and Haruta. 

Jozu looked around a Bit before setting his cards down and Joining the small group you and Haruta had formed. Izo frowned seeing his Poker buddy had left to join your group. 

"If you can't beat them, join them" Izo shrugged joining the Group, Haruta looked at Vista pleadingly, Marco and Pops watched the ever-growing group for Hide n' seek.

"Be glad Lad, She was starting to look like you!" Pops began to laugh so hard tears pricked in the corners of his eyes, Marco was very offended and Unimpressed.

"Whatever..." Marco crossed his arms, continuing what he was talking about before.

"Okay, There has to be rules. One. No making people seem invisible, Looking at you Y/n" Haruta snickered, "No cheating, keep your eyes closed for a Minute, and Then whoever you find first is it next!"

Everyone nodded Agreeing with the Rules of the Game. Even though you were the main target of the First rule, all of them seemed pretty standard.

"How do we choose the Seeker then?" Izo inquired

"Haruta Came up with it, He goes first" You pointed at him, snickering at his fallen expression,

"Fine." Haruta walked off to a random corner, closing his eyes and starting to count.

Everyone scattered to different places on the ship, You on the other hand would run into random rooms and leave small clones in obvious places. He never said anything about that. Finally reaching the best spot to hide in the whole ship. The small wall opening behind your bed frame. Once your bed was back in place you shut the small opening. Minutes passed and you started messing with your devil fruit. Making a small never-ending Match that actually illuminated Light. The wall was dustier than you thought.


About an Hour had passed or that's what you assumed, every time Haruta found a Clone you'd hear him curse, Alerting you of where his position was. But this time it was Ace who cursed, seems he was found. Your bedroom door swung open violently, Someone started stomping towards your bed, You quickly started scooching through the walls to a different spot. Just as you had thought, Someone opened the small hatch behind your bed frame, They grumbled about how you were cheating. You did your best to keep it together. This time you stayed in a spot that didn't have an opening.

Time went by and based on what you had heard, Everyone but you was found. This was truly entertaining. 

"You guys never said she couldn't make Clones-yoi" Marco chuckled, his fellow commanders were tired of looking for you, "Just call it quits, say she won... Cause she did-yoi" 

"Fine! Y/n You win! get out here!" Ace shouted. 

"HAHA Suck on that!" You yelled from the wall

"SON OF A BITCH!" Ace glared daggers at the wall

It took you a moment before you realized you didn't know which part of the ship you were on, Meaning you didn't know how to get out... You were stuck in the goddamned walls. Faking confidence you started off in a different direction, only hoping an Opening would show its self. and to your luck it did, only a few feet ahead of you too. Kicking open the small opening You started breathing properly once you were not in the walls. Everyone playing hide n' seek just glared at you.

"Listen you wouldn't have found me either way" You pointed out, They seemed to realize it when you pointed it out.

"No more Hide n' Seek, You're too good at it" Haruta and Ace both spoke in unison.

"It's not cheating if it's in the Rules!" You exclaimed

"Why don't we say, No walls, and No devil fruits period" Izo shrugged

"That- That works for me" Haruta Nodded

You sulked, Both of those rules were aimed at you. But the game continued on, It actually became harder and harder to hide as the rounds went on, Sometimes you were the last person to be found, Sometimes you were the first. It was a pretty normal game. 


As of Current Jozu was counting on deck and you had no idea where to hide. You had hidden everywhere on the ship. Now you stood on deck, standing next to Marco in plain sight. Marco had seen the game getting very entertaining for you, So he suggested you hide in plain sight. It was actually working. Jozu walked right past you, and into the ship. You held back the bubbling giggles. Marco smiled lightly, Finding this highly amusing. Jozu had found everyone but you, You and Marco both could hear the groans when they looked in places they thought you'd be in but weren't Soon enough they all went on deck.

"You Win... Again Y/n" Izo grumbled

"Thanks!" You waved at them from next to Pops and Marco

All of them Deadpanned, "You were out here the whole time." a Tick mark appeared on Aces Forehead, "It's. Fucking. On." a Devious grin plastered itself on his face

"What's on?" Thatch walked onto the deck,

"Prank Wars..."

(This was just for shits and Giggles That's to @pswaney12 for Requesting the Idea! ~Author Guy)

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