~Ten~ •The Kid Pirates•

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It had been hours, You had already watched the Sunset in disdain. You didn't like this, You hated this. Your legs had gotten tired of Kicking though there was a boat in the distance, it just didn't look like Your ship. It definitely wasn't the moby dick, It had a Skull on the front and it definitely didn't look a single bit friendly. It looked like some murder was on it. Probably, Your piece of wood kept trying to go towards it but you didn't feel like dying on a ship like that so you kept pushing away from it. Soon you gave up and decided if this is where the sea wanted to take you, this is where the sea wanted to take you. You heard the distant yells of the crewmates announcing your plank of wood. You saw someone take a look your way so you politely waved to them.

After a bit you started going towards the ship at an irregular Pace, This wasn't normal. Something was tugging on your pocket. You Kept holding on until you pulled out a pen that Izo gave you. It was going towards the ship. This did in fact confuse you greatly, You felt as if you should keep holding on, So you did. And Boy did you regret it. Once you made it onto the Ship you felt your stomach drop a hundred Meters into the pit of Tartarus. 

"The Hell..." A Redhead Spoke, He kneeled to take a closer look, "What The Fuck are you doing out here?" You could tell he was holding back

"I-I hmmm... Ifelloffmyship" You said quickly avoiding looking at anyone

"Kid, Back up. You're probably scaring her" Someone spoke up

"Shut the Fuck up Killer" The redhead Barked, "Say that shit again but slower" He commanded

"I fell off my ship" You did as told

"Kid, Please just move she's probably scared" The man you assumed was Killer spoke

"Fine fine just shut your fucking Trap" You assumed Kid said

Someone else stepped towards you, Instinctively you backed away for every step he took. He settled for sitting in front of you once he realized you weren't going to let him get close.

"Hi, I'm Killer. What's your name" He asked calmly, Somehow he was a little less scary than the previous

"y/n..." You mumbled refusing to Lookup

"How did you fall off your ship?" He questioned

"I was looking over the edge and a cannonball hit the side of the ship..." You started to pick at your skin

"That sucks... What Kind of ship were you on..." Killer asked

"pirate ship..." Your skin began peeling, Killer reached out and stopped you

"Don't do that" He spoke sternly but quietly

"What are the Name of the Pirates? Maybe we can get you back to them" He suggested

"We aren't a cruise line Killer, We'll just drop her off at the next island" Kid glared, "She can't even look at us, she's weak" That did it for you, He had called you weak without knowing you

Hohoho was he in for it.

"Excuse me?" You sounded Pissed

"What it's true you're weak, you can't even look me in the eye" He continued to push your buttons

You looked directly at him, "I am not weak, Ya I'm small as shit but that doesn't matter, At least I can survive without help, Hell before I joined the Whi- Pirates I was with I was alone for 4 years! You have nothing you can say! So Fuck you too!" You looked rigid

"Oh ho! So she can talk above a whisper!" He continued to antagonize you

"WELL HELL! If you were 10 and on Some random Pirate ship with people who are unimaginably taller than you, you'd be a little worried too! Especially if there's still blood-stained wood Fucking Everywhere!" You glared at the Tall man

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now