Two~ •Day One•

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  You woke up sweating, It was the same as Last time. you couldn't see anything but you could hear it... You could hear it All. every single tiny sound, from the Screams of unbearable Pain to the Popping of Burning Flesh. It wasn't a pretty sound or sight and it never would be. you looked up and saw it was still Dark out. It was either sit here and Miss the sunrise or Get up and get a move on. You chose the second. Sitting up, you looked around in the darkness for your Sandals. After a little bit, you found them sitting next to an empty barrel. you went to go grab them when you saw It. A Fucking Pheonix. Just sitting there on top of the barrel Like it was a normal thing to do.

"what the fuuuck" you whispered as you tip-toed to your sandals

You were Face to face with the oversized Chicken. Its eyes were closed but it still freaked you out. you picked up your sandals, but when you looked back up it was starring directly at you.

"u-hm... go back to sleep?" you told it while shying away from it, you were praying it went back to sleep

It closed its eyes, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. After you made sure it was asleep you began running to the docks to not miss the sunrise even if it was a couple of hours away. You made it to the docks in half the time you usually would. You had made it in the Nic of time. As you got there the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, you sat there out of breath watching the horizon as the sun began rising into the blue cloudless sky. You felt another presence behind you, but at the moment you didn't want to care. This was one of the few moments of peace you had to yourself and you'd be damned if someone ruined it.

Soon enough the sunrise was over, the colors were no longer mixing in a beautiful ombre. You let out a sigh, sad that it was over.

"you got up super early for a sunrise yoi?" Marco asked

"It's a moment of peace I've learned to enjoy Because one day you might not get to see it again... So I enjoy it while I can," you said walking over to a barrel and sitting on it

"That... That's too deep for a 10-year-old Yoi" Marco chuckled

"Maybe... But sometimes Reality doesn't like people, the same way the water doesn't like those with Devil fruits" You looked at him, "Has reality ever done that to you?... Just kinda ya'know Hate you for no reason" you asked

"Well, I joined my crew at a young age... if that counts yoi?" he says calmly

"oh... So do you have a devil fruit?" you asked turning back to the sea

"Yes, Its a zoan type yoi" he answers

"Cool, so we have something in common... We both can't swim" you hop down from the barrel and lean on it

"You can't swim yoi?"

"Nah never learned how to... Every time I tried I just ended up wasting energy trying to keep my head out of the water" a barely visible smile grew on your lips recalling when your mother tried to teach you

"Sounds exhausting, Much worse than cleaning docks for 16 hours yoi" Marco took a seat next to you

"Well It might very, It all depends on when the Old man gets here with the supplies" you look down at your legs

"Ahh I see, do you Mind If I keep you company then yoi?" Marco asked

"Yes, But you're probably going to stay and bug me anyways," you say twiddling your thumbs

Marco laughed at your response, after that he stayed silent and sat there with you until the old man came, When the old man did come Marco left. He had said he was going back to check on his crew and see how they were holding up without him.

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now