~Twenty-Eight~ •Well... Fuck•

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It had been a week since the Prank wars started and everyone was on edge. Not a single person was left out of it... Well- The exception being Pops. You were using your powers to your own advantage Tricking people left and right. It was child's play. No one ever saw you coming, Simply because you used an illusion to hide you or the fact that you could still fit in the walls. Though soon enough you'd have to stick to Illusions or Mirages. You had been pushing your limits more though. The drawback was sleeping for a day straight, and depending on how much energy you expended sometimes 2 days would pass before waking up again.

At every island, you'd mess with other people that weren't the crew, simply because you wanted your bounty to go up. You had sent Finn and Sydney a letter telling them about the prank wars. It was great, Your current prank count was 56. Ace was just behind you at 54, You and Him were practically tailing each other. Though it sucked because Thatch and Haruta had teamed up with each other. Their collective score was 178. Each having 89 pranks. You were extremely close to teaming up with Ace just to win the stupid war.

Though more thought did need to go into your decision when it came to things like this. Ace was a Powerful Ally in wars like this. He had one of the most creative minds on the ship when it came to things like this. But he was also part of the Old school group, He performed old school pranks rather than New and Original ones. But if things got serious, he was a deadly force. Ace would research things just to screw with someone, This is what worried you. Ace had been going in and out of the Library, with new books each time. Some were ones you didn't even know existed in there. A lot of them were on Medicinal Herbs, Concoctions, and More... Kind of like Potions.

Though Ace was up to something, he had been in the med room way too often. He was constantly asking Marco about medical stuff too. So now you were spying on him, seeing what he was up to. He was mixing a bunch of random crap, what the hell was he doing? an Evil smirk overcame Ace's face. He knew you were there, he had seen the door close. quickly taking his weird concoction he dumped it on your form. Causing the Illusion to fall, A baby blue smoke covered to room. Ace coughed, waving his hand around to clear the smoke. The room was silent when he looked to where you were... You weren't there. Until he looked down a little bit more, There laid a pile of your clothes. a Lump in the middle, Soon enough a small head poked through the shirt. Arms coming out of the sleeves. Ace started to panic.

He had no clue what was happening besides the fact that whatever he had just fucked with turned you into... a-... a 2-year-old!? You looked to be about 2 or 3-years-old. You glared at him from the floor, a scowl taking over your tiny features. Ace started to silently freak out, Based on his reaction he had no idea this is what the concoction would do. You looked at your hands, Frowning deeply. They were tiny, and Ace was taller. Ace scooped you up and rushed to his room quickly before anyone would take notice of the toddler in his arms.

"SHit! Y/n what do I do!"

You sat in Ace's arms completely oblivious as to what was going on. Simply... Well to put it any other way, being a two-year-old. You had started messing with your fingers like they'd turn into something new like toes.

"Any Ideas?" Ace asked, already knowing that you had probably found your fingers more interesting than him.

Ace set you down on his bed, "Listen, Y/n, Don't move... I'm- I'm going to go talk to some people..." Ace had no idea how to put it any other way. He quickly darted out of the room, running as fast as he could. This caused a small Commotion amongst some of the other members, Why was the second division commander in such a rush? That is what they asked themselves. Once Ace was out on Deck he openly declared the prank war over, stating That Thatch and Haruta had won by default.

Now, That statement set everyone off. Ace never admitted Defeat during a prank war... Not once had he ever done that. This set off a chain of reactions, One somehow One of the commanders had snuck off before Ace made it onto the deck...


Jozu had needed to ask Ace something quickly, but couldn't seem to find him anywhere. So like any sane or sensible person would, He looked to see if Ace was in his room. Though it didn't go as planned when he saw a small child sitting on Ace's bed playing with their feet. Jozu was at a loss for words, Who was this child? How did they get there? What's going On? All his questions seemed to be answered once he saw the shirt the toddler was wearing. It was Your shirt... So Jozu chalked it up that You were the Child. He was baffled, taking a step into the room Jozu watched as you finally looked towards him. Your eyes held a More Innocent but Curious glint in them until the Toddler you recognized the man. Jozu relaxed, happy you recognized him, even if it was only by a little. You looked at his and reached your hands up, making a grabbing motion, Jozu got the hint and Chuckled. Picking you up gently, Afraid he'd break you with even the lightest of Touch.

To be fair The man was almost as tall as his Captain. Compared to him, You were an ant. Jozu needed to ask for answers, as funny and cute as this was. It was also very concerning, and a little annoying. Jozu needed to ask some serious questions, Once he had gotten to the deck he had heard Ace call off the Prank war.

"Ace, Is this why" Jozu held up the tiny you.

Ace froze, his face paling, Jozu had found you. Ace turned slowly, nodding. Jaws went slack... Almost everyone recognized the shirt. How couldn't they, you loved the damn thing.

Marco was furious, "Ace. What. The Hell. Did You. DO!" Marco shouted, Grabbing the collar of Ace's button-up, A rare occasion for Ace to be seen with a Shirt.

"FUCK! I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW IT'D DO THAT! I THOUGHT IT'D JUST DYE HER HAIR!" Ace wriggled around in Marco's grasp

Pops Laughed heavily, to the point where he was holding his gut. "My God Lad! Give her Here!" 

Jozu chuckled, Avoiding the two now-fighting men. He gently placed you into Pop's hand. You were so small that he couldn't even hold you properly, Being so small that you fit in the palm of the man's hand. You wiggled around a bit before recognizing the Face.

'This is wayyy too weird... He's Huge!' You thought, patting Pops palm with your hand in confusion.

Pops started giggling like a schoolgirl, You were so much tinier than he had expected, I mean Jozu could hold you with one hand No problem, but this was a different level.

"Marco, Son, Can we keep her this tiny?" 

"Wh-What!? NO, Pops Give her Here-yoi" Marco stopped beating the shit out of Ace, Walking over to his Father, reaching for you.

Pops sadly obliged and Let Marco take you, Lowering his hand just enough for Marco to grab you off of his Palm, But it seemed you had other plans. You stood on wobbly legs, not used to being so Tiny. You felt as if your mind had been reduced, Walking was a struggle, and you couldn't even form a word if you tried. Walking over to Marco, Albeit very unsteadily, Once you had gone Far enough you let Marco pick you up. Marco furrowed his brows, moving a stray strand of hair away from your face.

"Ace. Fix this." Marco growled before walking away with you giggling, waving good-bye to the other crew-mates on deck.

Everyone's Hearts swelled in their chests, You were so tiny now! The cuteness was too much...

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