Four~•New Home•

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  You woke up in clean clothes and a soft bed. You were confused as to where you were exactly. You were about to get up when something tugged at your Arm. You looked over to see a passed-out Marco, that's when you remembered that you had joined their crew. You had no idea who cleaned you, and it was slightly Unnerving at the thought. You looked outside the small window on the opposite side of the room, It was night. How long had you slept for? You broke free from Marco's grasp and hopped off of the bed making as little noise as possible. You wanted to roam the ship without the burden of other people trying to talk to you. you opened the door and walked into the hall. You could either go left or right. You decided to let your legs choose where you went and you'd simply observe. As you walked around the Ship entering and exiting various rooms, you had failed to notice you had woken Four division commanders and The captain of the ship.

You had noticed how High the ceiling was from the floor, it was Odd, Perhaps it was because of the stature of the Man you had met the previous day. You continued, getting lost in the maze of halls in the Ship. Before long hours had passed and you had no clue where you were.

"how long do you think it's going to take for her to notice us?" Ace asked in a whisper

"I'm not too sure, she seems really out of it" Thatch responded in the same tone

Marco shook his head, He began to catch up to you as silent as possible.

"Come on, I'm tired can we go back to the room now Yoi?" Marco asked walking behind  you

"HOLY SHIT!" You could've sworn your soul had left your body

"Language!" Ace yelled from Down the Hall

"What the Hell! I thought you guys were asleep!" You picked yourself up from the ground

"We felt the presence of another person walking down the halls, So we woke Marco and Pops up" A man with...Makeup... Said

"O-okay, uhh Well, Who are you?" You asked clearly very confused

"I'm Izo and That's Pops, The Captain of the Ship" Izo responded

"Y/n why are you out of bed yoi?" Marco asked groggily

"I woke up and wanted to check the place out" You responded nonchalantly

Marco groaned, He knew you were probably going to do this, you were a Kid you had energy that needed to be used in some way. He just didn't like the fact that you were up so ungodly early.

"Y/n, It's 3 Am, let's go back to the room, I'll give you a tour later okay yoi?" Marco tried to compromise, Pops had Smiled at the site, He had a granddaughter

Though Whitebeard would have been more than happy to Call her His own Daughter it seemed like Marco had already Filled the spot of Father to the girl. So he settled for being Her really Cool pirate grandpa.

"Sounds like a good Idea... I don't like good Ideas, you can go back to sleep and I'll continue to wander the ship" You started walking away

Marco groaned and started after you. Ace was silently laughing at it. He saw how tired Marco was, So he wanted to help.

"Marco go back to bed I'll walk around with her" Ace started after the Two, Ace saw Marco put his fists in the air and began to walk back to his respective Room

Ace had finally Caught up with you after a little bit. He noticed there was something obviously on your mind. He wanted to ask about it but you had wandered into the hall with all the other sleeping division commanders. Once you had reached the doors to what you assumed was the deck you pushed them open. The breeze hit your face as soon as you opened the door.

Sunrise To Sunset (Whitebeard Pirates x child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now