(5. Bounty)

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*Inspired by Season 2 Ep 3 The Weigh Station

During these past few weeks, I had been helping Nadia out with her cop work. My leg was all fine now and all I had to remember that day was a huge scar.

I admired Nadia, not only was she able to overcome an addiction but she had really stepped up and I could see her effort in trying to become a better person.

We had just wrapped up from a heavy investigation involving a close friend of Hank. Once again I had stayed back to help Nadia when I heard Alvin get a phone call.

"I'll be right there." He said and walked out of the office fast.

Jay was packing some stuff up. I decided to make a move and walk over to start a conversation. "You alright? I heard it was a heavy case." I hopped onto Erin's desk in front of his.

"Yeah I'm fine, you know just another day in the job." He sighed grabbing his jacket and putting it on.

"You know you don't always have to lie, everyone has bad days, especially us." I tried to get him to open up.

"Well, what if I told you I wasn't fine? What would you do then?" He smirked and walked over to me.

I felt myself blushing and looked down. "Well I would probably ask you out for a drink at Molly's to get you to open up."

"Oh really?" He reached for a pen behind me making me blush harder. "Well in that case you're right, I was lying, I'm not okay, not okay at all." He faked a sob causing me to laugh.

"Well then Halstead, Would you like to go to Molly's with me?" I stepped off and I was now standing in front of him our bodies almost touching.

He hesitated for a second bringing his finger up to his chin. I shoved him lightly. " I would love to y/l/n" he finally replied.

"Ok let me go grab my stuff." I walked over to my desk. "Hey I asked Jay out, so do you mind if I leave early?" I began

"Oh my god no, go." Nadia's smile was almost as big as mine. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and met Jay by the stairs.

We both walked down and he opened the gate for me.

"Ok so I'll meet you there?" I asked him taking my car keys out.

"I thought I could drive you and then maybe I could take you home after?" He asked casually.

"Well how would I get to work tomorrow?" we continued walking.

"You could spend the night at my place" he looked down at his feet.

"Ahh." Was all I could think of saying.

We started walking down the front steps.

"Hey! Where are you two going?" Trudy yelled.

"Oh god no, run." I grabbed Jay's arm and pulled him with me outside as quickly as possible.

"I'm watching you, Halstead!" Trudy yelled before the door shut behind us.

Both Jay and I started laughing as we got in his car.


Instead of driving us to Molly's Jay took us to another bar he said was less crowded. I could sense myself getting more and more nervous as we got closer.

Jay Halstead x Reader Story/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now