Chapter 27

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The front room was blooming with dark mahogany but it contrasted beautifully with the gold. Candles were lit and the fire was roaring.

Stepping further in, your footsteps echoed around the halls, you peeked around the corners, examining your new home.

The stairs surrounded the sides and In the middle, lay the most comfortable living room you had ever seen.

Leather sofas, dark carpet and a small glass table set the scene, along with a huge TV hanging just above the fireplace. Sitting on the mantle, were two golden lions.

You made your way over and jumped on the second sofa, kicking your shoes off. You let out a big sigh, sinking into your abode.

Suddenly, you heard the door creak. A fireball emerged in your hand as you quickly sat up, aiming at the intruder.

Heisenberg threw his arms up in the air. "It wasn't me!"
You let out a huge laugh as you ran over and hugged him tightly.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!" I screamed in delight.

He patted your head. "Awh, cupcake, it was nothing."


"Yeah, yeah, but you definitely haven't seen the best part" he lowered his glasses and shot you a quick wink. "Follow me."

He led you upstairs, where the carpet had specks of gold and the pillars were tall but looked old. It really felt like home.

You both had finally reached the room he wanted to show you. The door didn't look any different from the others. "Um, Karl, before we go in, I have to tell you something. Mother Miranda is planning to-"

My sentence was quickly cut off when he had turned the handle and opened the door.

an update?
yeah ikr lol.
I was reading through this story whilst reading through the comments and I had realised that this book had meant a lot to so many people. Back then when I had decided to discontinue it, I was only thinking of myself. But reminiscing made me realise that I should deadass just finish the story. And that's what I'm gonna do.

thank you.

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