Chapter 5

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Before we begin, I wanted to thank everyone for almost 160 reads!!! In literally one day lol I published this story only yesterday. Thank you so much for the reads, it makes me happy that so many people enjoy it.♥️
"Ughhh" you moan out. Your head was pounding and your eyes were still adjusting to the light. "AHHH!" You became startled by a huge fish man. "Oh my, I'm sorry for jumping" you explained to the entity. "Hmmm yeah it's okay, I get that a lot..." the fish man said under his breath. You felt really bad.

"Oo-ohh-oh-oh THEY'RE AWAKEEEEE" you heard a high pitched voice squeal. You turned to face the noise and saw a small porcelain doll in what seemed to be a wedding dress. "Um hi, I like your dress" you muttered to the doll. "Awwoo thank you!!" The doll exclaimed. "MOTHER MIRANDA, i wanna keep her to be my new play thing" she screamed whilst turning around. The fish man scooted closer towards you to get a better look. "GET OUT OF THE WAY, UGLY! I WANNA SEE." The doll shrieked at the fish man, whilst pushing him out of the way.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" a familiar voice shouted at the two in front of you. They both went back to their places, the doll jumping into the lap of a veiled woman dressed in all black, and the fish man shuffling closer and closer to a woman in black feathers. You turned your attention to the familiar voice and realised it was him. The man you met back in the castle. "Give the mortal to me, and I'll make sure that they are ready" he explained to the woman at the front. "Oh how untrue! Mother Miranda, give them to me and I'll deliver you the finest cups of their slaughtered blood" the tall lady spoke with confidence. As she spoke, you could hear the man scoff. You were sure that they didn't like each other.

The tall lady turned to face you, and you smiled at her, to which she smiled back, diverting her attention from the man who you thought to be 'Heisenberg'. After a while, she turned back to Mother Miranda. This gave you time to look towards him. He had an incredibly dirty hat sitting on his head, sliver greyish hair and clothes that almost resembled rags. He was resting a huge metal hammer on his shoulders. 'Damn he must be strong' you thought. You found him attractive nonetheless. He turned to face you and you flinched out of your trance. You gave him a small smile, to which he took off his glasses, revealing his playful green eyes. He shot you a quick wink and returned his gaze to Mother Miranda.

"I have heard all your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than other but I've made my decision. Heisenberg, the mortals fate is in your hands" the woman announced whilst pointing towards him. He tipped his hat in thanks but the tall lady objected.

"Mother Miranda, i must protest! Heisenberg is but a child and his devotion to you is questionable" she proclaimed. "SHUT YOUR DAMN HOLE and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else" he shouted at the lady. "QUIET NOW CHILD, adults are talking". Heisenberg scoffed at her "I'M THE CHILD? You're the one arguing with Miranda's decision" " You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer" "OH keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!" They argued back and forth. "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHTTT" you could hear the small doll shrieking yet again.

"SILENCE!. There will be no argument. Remember from whence you came" Mother Miranda ordered, her black feathers turning into wings behind her back. "Thank you mother..." Heisenberg chirped. The tall lady gave up and stood back behind her chair. He scoffed again and kneeled down towards you. "Hey there little one. Don't worry, you and me are gonna have a lot of fun" he whispered whilst booping you on your nose. "Wha-" you managed to blurt out before Heisenberg grabbed you by your legs and threw you over his shoulder, his hammer on the other side. 'Well it looks like I was right. He is very strong' you thought to yourself. 'Oh god what have I got myself into....'

Don't forget to vote or comment, once again thank you for reading!♥️

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