Chapter 13

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A few days later:

You awoke. Your body twitching and squirming in place. Similar to that of a seizure. You lift yourself up and your hair would stand on ends.
Your eyes shone a bright gold whilst everything around you moved. You could feel the Cadou taking over your body, bit by bit.

Everything in the room lifted to your command, but it was too much for you to handle. You slammed back onto the bed, making a huge noise that Heisenberg managed to hear.

"Y/n??" He shouted, walking into the room.
He saw you on the bed, eyes still open. He came over slowly, "Oh my god..." he whispered.
He shook you from your shoulders, asking "y/n?? Are you hurt??". You turned over to look at him, but just gave him a small smile, saying "hey metal man"

You could see his eyes tearing up slightly, to which you attempted to stand up and hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I've missed you, pumpkin" he muttered. "Same here. How long was I out?"
"3 days"
"Ah shit"
"At least you woke up."
"Yeah. Wait... did it give me powers?"
"I think so... your eyes are 𝔾𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕟"
"WHAT?" You immediately jumped off and ran to the sink with a mirror.
"HOLY SHIT!!!! That's SO COOLLL. But why tho?"
"Well that's something I'm not sure of. Here's the report I made for you" he handed you a book with a leather case. "Oh okay"

CADOU AFFINITY: Amazingly favourable
BRAIN FUNCTION: Increased intelligence but overall normal
- subject has the power to control the gravitational fields of the Earth. They have powers similar to telekinesis, being able to lift anything with ease.
- their body can perform complete combustion whenever needed, meaning they can create fire by simple movement, similar to pyrokinesis.
- subject has a change in eye colour, a sparkling gold. Reasons for this are unknown.

• NOTE: may grow incredibly in size when injected with another Cadou parasite.

Gorgeous specimen, an unfit vessel for Eva.

"Woahhhhh interesting. You don't have my last name though" you proclaimed
"Oh. What is it?"
"That's very cool. I like it"
"Thanks hehe"

You attempted to try out your powers but failed. You only ended up smashing a bunch of beakers and bottles. "Sorry metal man! I don't really know what I'm doing" you apologised
He sighed "its okay, pumpkin. Just make sure you get the hang of it"

You tried and tried for hours but finally, you did it. You could move anything you wanted with your mind and you knew exactly how to create the biggest of flames. You left a huge burn mark on his wall though, he said he likes it. You thought you'd be able to figure out why your eyes are golden but, nothing came to mind.

Not only could you create huge flames, your telekinetic-like powers give you the ability to fly. You would float around his factory, playfully setting fire to anything that needed it.
Not gonna lie, you thought the Cadou would turn you into a monster but even though you technically are a demon of some sort, you felt like you could do good with your powers, helping others in need.

With Heisenberg running after you, you slowly sped up your flight, running your hands along the many machines you flew by. You never really noticed how big his factory was. It was vast and confusing but you loved it. The Soldats would occasionally see you and wave. Hm. Maybe they liked you.

Lowering yourself down, Heisenberg finally caught up with you, incredibly out of breath. When he found you, he rested his hands on his knees, and panted vigorously. "Damn it y/n, you could've HURT YOURSELF" he fumed, banging his fist against the wall. "I'm sorry Karl, I got carried away. I won't do it again" you assured, fiddling with your fingers.

"Gah, I'm sorry cupcake, I didn't mean to lash out. It's my anger issues kickin' in" he explained. You nodded, going in to hug him. He gripped you tightly, resting his head on your shoulder. "Are you tired, Karl?" You asked
"Yeah, sorta"
"Well, come on. Let's get you to bed, Mister"

SHEESH you got some pretty cool powers, boo. Heheheh I hope you like this chapter, took me a whole day to do! I was out with my friends on an adventure in the woods so like ye. It inspired me tho quite a bit :)
Thank you for reading!♥️ Love ya! <3

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