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Today was September first, Rosalyn had been waiting for this for ages. She was going to Hogwarts!

As of now, it was ten o'clock, and everyone was rushing about the house. Rosalyn was putting her barn owl Ruby (which she had bought at the Magical Menagerie) into her cage. She had chosen to buy an owl because she wanted a one for mail, and she just thought they were the best magical pet, except maybe a phoenix, but she couldn't have one of them.

Molly was yelling. "PERCY, YOUR PREFECT BADGE IS ON THE TABLE! FRED, GEORGE! DON'T YOU DARE SET THAT OFF IN HERE!" Referring to a Fillibuster no-heat, wet-start firework that George had in his hand, Molly continued. "RON! SCABBERS IS ON THE COUCH WHEN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM! GINNY, DON'T TRY TO SNEAK INTO SOMEONE'S TRUNK AGAIN! ROSALYN?"

"Yes?" Rosie said, making Molly jump as she appeared right beside her.

"Oh! Your trunk packed? Ready?" She asked, she didn't shout because she didn't want to set everything off again.

Soon, everyone was ready and they all crowded into the kitchen with trunks and all.

"Is dad coming?" Ginny asked expectantly.

"He said he'd be here to say goodbye, but then he had to go back to the-"

Crack, and Arthur Weasley was infront of them. He wished them all good luck and goodbye.

"Bye Percy! Have a great time as a prefect!"

Percy smiled modestly but Rosalyn could tell he was loving it.

"Bye Fred, Bye George! Don't have me stressing over owls that come saying you've- you've- blown up half the castle or something!"

"Thanks for the idea, dad!" Fred said.

"Yeah! We've never done that before!" Said George.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Bye Ron! Have a good first year!"

"Bye bye Rosie," for he was another one who used that name. "Good luck at Hogwarts!"

"Bye bye!"

All the Weasley's said, "Bye, dad!"

And then Arthur quickly apparated back and then the six children and Molly packed their trunks into the car and then piled into it. How they were able to do it may have been something to do with the fact that Arthur had conjured an undetectable extension charm on the car, but, somehow, Molly didn't notice. Rosalyn, however, didn't have a very good time, she was sandwiched between the car door and Percy, who decided to give her a half-hour lecture on the Hogwarts rules, using lots of pompous phrases like, "and of course, as a Prefect, I simply must..." a lot. Rosalyn looked at Fred and George throughout, and all they did was smile sweetly (yeah, right) at her.

When they got there, Rosalyn practically ran out of the car to get a trolley. She pulled it back over to the car as everyone got out and went to get their own.

Ginny got out the can and said. "I wish I was going this year, Rosie, you're so lucky..."

"I'll send you letters." Rosalyn promised, opening the boot of the car, which had also been extended and went to get her trunk and owl. "See you later, sis!"

Ginny giggled. "You're a pretty good big sister, Rosie."

Eventually, everyone was ready and they walked through the station, heading to the platforms, they got there, and got to the barrier, also the brick pillar that had '9' and '10' on either side of it. Rosalyn had never been through here, refusing to got through when her brothers went because she only wanted to see it when she first went through herself.

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now